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Child psychologist she rocks

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SO and I met with SS's child Psych. yesterday. SS see's her after we do.

I explain how things are going now that I'm using what she told me to do to call him out.

One example that wasn't really so significant but what she said after WAS ...Example: We went to SS art exhibit at his elementary school then to eat at Moe's. SS was talking talking talking, (like a lot of kids do apparently esp ADHD ones) He wasn't eating and so SO told him "not another word, you're talking too much and not eating" SS looks over at me with the "go the hell lady / why are you making my dad parent me correctly" LOL

I ignored it. Smile Then SS was being really rude about my cheese sauce and got caught saying something extremely rude and SO actually noticed. SO asks "what did you just say?" and SS stopped his rude comment laughed and then glared at me. I said "you can glare at me all you want but I'm not the one that told you to stop talking, you need to eat"

Child psychologist: "so he's somewhat jealous that dad wants to talk to you instead and that he needs to be a child and it's easier to be mad at you instead of dad for being told that he needs to eat and not dominate the conversation and grasp for airspace. if the child didn't say anything in defense of himself back to you, and he didn't look at the two of you with "what in the world" look then you were probably dead on for calling him out" Biggrin