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blueeyes6's Blog

Desperately needing advice about BM taking SD's to non-stop doctors

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I really need your all's advice about my situation. Hopefully someone has been in the same boat or has some good advice. My DH's ex is CONTINUOUSLY taking the SD's for complete bull crap doctor visits. Regular doctors, orthopedists, dermatologists, orthodontists, you name it, they are taken there. 90% of the "ailments" are made up and do not present around us. Both girls have been taken multiple times for knee pain, back pain, stomach pain, neck pain. X-rays are all completely clear every single time. We're talking about a 12 yr old and 10 yr old.

How soon is to soon to turn aged out SD room into a guest room?

blueeyes6's picture

This question unfortunately is not for me. I still have 6+ years to go on my SD sentence until they both age out. My best friend is a SM and her SD aged out and moved out in September and she was asking what I thought about the situation. Her DH said that they should turn the room into a guest room right after the New Year. I told her that she should just go by what her DH said after all he is the BF but I was just curious what you all thought about an appropriate amount of time before changing the room?