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We called a truce

Biomomof2's picture

After months of our marriage getting worse and us getting to the point where everything annoys us, we have called a truce. We really do love each other, and are going to work to save our marriage. 4 seasons with our counselor and we know he is not the right fit. So looking for a new one. Agreement to only deal with the now, solve only problems as they come up. And work on doing things for each other, working on the positve. More time together, more fun, and more us time.
We went out of town Friday and the whole day was a fight. The truce was drawn at midnight. We ended the night on a good note. So far the last 2 days we have made the effort together. Right now, everything is laid out for 30 days. And then we check-in and see where we are. Hopefully this next week we can find a new counselor and start working on the resentment.
Fingers crossed... After the last 2 days I actually have hope again.


twoviewpoints's picture

How did the job interview go Saturday? I'm thinking once you start getting an income coming in and don't have to depend on your Dh's consent on any and every dime you spend on your bio kids and/or live with Dh's ideas of double standards that some of your resentment will start to fade. I think his stupid 'we must have all the money in a joint account' and his having different rules and exceptions in the house for his SGD vs your bio children has played a large role in the problems.

He's lucky you're giving him another chance. He's been squashing you and your bio kids under his thumb.

Biomomof2's picture

I feel very confident of the interview!! Thank you!!! I will hear within the next 2 weeks.
I think your right as well. Me getting the job could either make or break us. But I'm doing it. I quit working to help him out, and now I'm going back to work for me.
The reason I'm able to give this another chance is he starting talking Friday night. He told me that he realizes he has made a huge mistake not making us a priority. He came up with the truce. Maybe he realized how close I was to be gone. This past weekend I was made aware of a couple things he did for my kids. Magizine subscriptions, a couple games he bought. Little things that had stopped flowing in any direction other then his.
We shall see

Biomomof2's picture

I believe it might be. Learning to truly accept each other and our situation would help alot