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OT -- Funny!

belleboudeuse's picture

This is so sad, but god, you can't help but laugh. A cat misses the time portal opening:


ChaiLatte's picture

Ouch! lol I needed a laugh today. Ty.

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

Amazed's picture

oh my God I had tears rolling down my cheeks laughing so hard! Reminds of the time I was lying on the couch in our family room and Persy fell off the catwalk above me, hit the coffee table and runs away hissing as I'm screaming from shock at seeing a kitty projectile flying from the catwalk above me. I found him later in a dark corner licking his paw full of humiliation at his bad judgement call.

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

LotusFlower's picture THAT is funny!!!

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

onehappygirl's picture

So funny! I occasionally like to have a little nip of bourbon and coke in the evenings. Well, one day, I walked back into the room and saw my cat drinking it. So, I shooed him away thinking nothing of it. Well, about half an hour later, he is trying to jump on my dresser, a jump he has easily made 1000s of times. Idiot cat fell short. He tried to do it again, fell short again. After that, he starts batting at everything and nothing, and chasing things that weren't there. He finally fell asleep and didn't move the rest of the night.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Kb3Hooah's picture


“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

Elizabeth's picture

Here's my favorite funny pet story: Once upon a time I had two pet gerbils. You know the story, a lady at work had four and one turned out to be a boy and then they had LOTS of babies. I took two, kept them in an aquarium with a mesh cover. Well, I was sitting on my couch one day and one got out (lifted the mesh cover). It was so excited, it came running up to me on the couch. I see this little furry critter making for me and jump up shrieking. Scared the little thing so bad, it went running the other way, superfast. If you've ever seen a scared gerbil run, you know what I mean. Scared the sh*t out of me, I thought it was a mouse! When my heart stopped hammering, I had to catch the scared little furry projectile.

Constantly_guilty's picture

Funny pet story: I live in California so from time to time the earth moves around pretty good out here, right? During the big earthquake we had in '89 I got up and stood in the doorway facing down our long hardwood floored hallway. The hallway was lifting up and coming at me in waves. Meanwhile my yellow lab is running down the hallway to get to me. I could only see him when he crested a wave and then he would disappear into a valley. When the earthquake was over, my dog was totally freaked, it had literally scared the sh*t out of him all the way down the hallway.