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Beach's Blog

Should being this mean feel this good?

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Last night while my DH was out of the house I went through the objects left behind by my SD18 when she so rudely departed the house last summer. I stuffed everything in the trunk of my car and have thus far managed to give away her Barbie doll collection and accessories, stuffed animals and all of her bedding. I am collaborating on a garage sale with a friend next weekend and whatever I don't give away I will sell. Now, I just have to figure out how to get her bike out of the garage. . .

Going to be Holding my Nose!

Beach's picture

Well, today is the day that the darling SD gets married. I did tell my DH that if she wanted me to be there then she would need to invite me herself, which she did. So, with that criteria met I have to go. I want to support my husband, but I just want to scream! Stupid girl is 18 and hasn't even been out of high school for a year. She doesn't want to have to make her own plans, so getting married has become the plan. There is NO way this girl is rady to be a military spouse. First time he is away the mouse will definitely play! Loyalty and fidelity mean absolutely nothing to her.


Beach's picture

Ok, so my SD18 finally tells her father that she is getting married on 23 December. He tells me and I pretend to be surprised. However, he also tells me that he wants me to go to the wedding, which will be held locally, not in the city where her BM resides. Remember, about a month and a half ago I told SD18 off and I got a nasty call from her BM telling me that I couldn't possibly love her and say those things. The truth hurts I guess. So, NOW WHAT DO I DO!?! I really do not want to go because it would appear hypocritical, but DH asked me to.

Just not that in to the Holidays

Beach's picture

I told my DH that my heart just wasn't in to all the decorating and other preparations we usually make for Christmas. For 14 years I made that our home was a place of comfort and holiday traditions for my SD. Her BM was too busy with men and drugs to bother, and I wanted my SD to have some good Christmas memories. After all that has transpired this year I just can't bring myself to get all enthused. Is this wrong? DH seems to understand, but also has made some comments about "cancelling" Christmas. It's not that I want to get all Scroogy, but really want to dial it down.

Wow, this is a great site!

Beach's picture

I have been felling very alone the last couple of months. Unable to share my feelings with my husband because we just don't discuss his darling daughter. I am SO done with her and her antics. Happy that she is out of the house, but sad that she is making such a mess of her life. I sure needed a place I could go to read and share stories with other step-parents. Thank you!