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Did I Overreact?

BaseballMom42's picture

So, I've been trying to disengage and not get involved with anything pertaining to SS15 at all. Anyway, SS was in his cave of the basement last night, since he won't hang out with us (thank God). DS10 decided to make himself a bowl of oatmeal and heated water in the microwave, which reminded me of soemthing so I said to DS10 and DH, "Oh yeah, about the microwave (which I never really use besides to make the occasional microwave popcorn) was disgusting, I wanted to see how long it would take before someone would clean it, and no one did and I couldn't take it any longer so I finally scrubbed that thing out good. Anyway, yesterday I look in it and it is dirty AGAIN in a matter of you think you guys could please make sure it stays clean and if something splatters clean it up?"

Now I didn't know who messed up the microwave, I just was letting them know so in the future they would keep it clean, but DS10 tells me SS15 heated up meatballs yesterday and let it explode all over, but DH says well I told him to clean it up. I said that's fine, I don't care who did it, just make sure they clean up after themselves (and do a good job).

So SS15 must have been listening in from the basement because he comes running up the stairs and looks at me and says with an attitude, "Listen, I cleaned up my mess from yesterday, so yeah, I cleaned, I don't know what you are talking about!" And just glares at me with this attitude and I was waiting for DH to jump in and tell him not to talk to me that way, but he didn't. I didn't say a word and SS storms off back inthe basement. At this point I was pissed DH didn't say a word, and I am trying to disengage so I went up into my room. DH comes up and asks me what is wrong and I say nothing. He keeps asking and asking....I know if I say anything we will get into a fight, but he keeps asking so finally I say, "Did you hear the way SS spoke to me? And you didn't say a word?" Oh course he thought SS15 didn't do anything wrong, and we ended up fighting yet again last night over SS!!! I can't take it, I was really upset last night. I don't know if DH felt guilty later and realized he was wrong and didn't want to admit it because later he comes up stairs and I am still awake and he asked me if it would help me sleep if he rubbed my he ended up giving me a back rub until I feel asleep. That still doesn't change the fact that SS15 is ruining our relationship!


BaseballMom42's picture

Oh yeah, one more thing...when DH in defending son he said, "he was just trying to let you know he cleaned it up."

But I think if that was the case then he wouldn't have done it in that manner, he would have something along the lines of, "Oh about the microwave, sorry that was my mess, I tried cleaning it up but must have not got everything, I'll make sure next time I do a better job." Or something along those lines...not just came up with an attitude and stormed back off. I am not stupid, I know what he was doing!

B22S22's picture

Take it from my experience: My DH allowed his kids to behave atrociously to me. And by atrocious, I don't mean mouthing off... just the opposite. They absolutely positively will NOT speak to me.

It never occurred to him that it was not OK until my DD14 ignored him one time when he said something to her. He ranted and raved to me about it, and I turned it into a life learning lesson... that his silence on the subject of his kids doing that to me gave them the impression it was OK. So what wasn't OK about my DD14 doing the same thing? Did he want me to handle it the way HE handled it, or the way I thought it should be?

He begrudgingly figured it out.

BaseballMom42's picture

If my DS10 EVER talks to DH that way I always yell at him and tell him he needs to be respectful of not only DH as his Step father, but also as an adult. I don't let him get away with it. And then there is always a process he needs to go through when he is wrong: first needs to give a sincere apology for what he did wrong, then needs to say what he did and why it was wrong, and lastly lets him know he won't do it again and what he will do in the future to prevent it from happening. And of course depending on the severity a punishment, but I don't let DS10 get away with anything, I would think DH would see, but I guess not, so fustrating!

B22S22's picture

I had always called out my kids if they acted/spoke in what I perceived as a disrespectful manner to my DH in the past also. And it was always in front of DH (I too did this not only to correct my children, but in the hopes DH would SEE this is unacceptable behavior and take actions when his own behaved that way to me).

Trust me, when my DD14 did this, I did address it with her. But not immediately because (shame on me, right??) I WANTED DH to know how it feels to be treated that way, and to know how it feels to watch the other adult in the house not say a word, thus giving the impression the behavior was "OK". That was the first time I didn't jump on the behavior immediately and he had to feel it. Me, I've been feeling it from his kids for 8 years.

VioletsareBlue's picture

I know there are different levels of disengagement. For me, disengagement never included letting SD8 or SD16 be disrespectful to me in any way. Oh yeah I told them how it was and how they would not talk to me or refer to me or act disrespectfully to me in any way. I don't think disengagement means letting them treat you like crap.

BaseballMom42's picture

Yeah, you are right...I just thought DH would have said something so I didn't have to, but if he doesn't then when it comes to something like that I will have to say something. Even my DS10 said something to me after SS went back downstairs, a 10-year-old knew it was disrespectful!

You are right, I can't let a 15-year-old treat me like crap, that is unacceptable!

BaseballMom42's picture

Yup, I guess in situations like this I can't ignore it and let him get away with it. It will have to be addressed.

Jsmom's picture

You need to address the disrespect if DH won't. DH knows he screwed up, thus the back rub. But, so did you. Next time he goes off like that, address it. Don't be mean, don't let it get ugly. Just tell him he will not talk to you that way and give some form of retribution if it happens again. Wifi Password change works well in my house or taking of the XBox...

BaseballMom42's picture

That is too funny you said that because I just changed the WiFi password last night! But yes you are right disrespect should not be allowed, and I do need to address the issue in the future so he knows he can't get away with it.

momagainfor4's picture

If some 15 year old punk confronts me like that, then he must be looking for a fight.
Your dh needs to step in and take charge of this.
Why would he think it's ok for a child to confront your authority in your own home?

Basically, the kid called you a liar. And your dh just ignored it. Then he manipulated you into "telling" him what was wrong. He knew what was wrong.
I hate liars and manipulators.


BaseballMom42's picture

DH said he asked him and he said because he wasn't getting along with step-father. Well, he doesn't get along with me either! Probably step-father is starting to put his foot down more and he isn't getting away with everything since step-father now has 2 kids of his own to worry about and one on the way. So he doesn't have all the money he used to have to spend just on SS. SS always talked highly of his step dad, even calls him "dad" telling us they do this and that together, buys him this and that. I told DH, SS is running and he can't run. He gets mad at step-dad and runs here, gets mad at us runs to grandparents or calls tattles on us to mom....that's just not going to work.

Plus who knows if that is even the truth. I do think he is just jealous of his siblings getting all the attention and up here grandparents treat SS like a king, so the spoiled brat needs all the attention.