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They left 5 minutes ago and I already have a bottle of wine open!!

baseballgirly's picture

SO and his 2 boys just finished loading up for a week of camping! And I mean red neck camping... tents and sleeping bags. I mentioned before how I am not going to contribute to a camper until I know the SKs won't ever be in it and/or I can personally use it more. As SO and his boys were out picking up a few last things, I took the liberty of peeking in the totes to see what he packed! MY BASEBALL GLOVE!!! Now let me get this straight. Both boys knew they were going camping. Their mom (Who ALWAYS packs for them... they blame her if there is something they wanted packed that's not) knew.... obviously my SO knew they were going camping, yet their ball gloves weren't packed??? Instead, SO went out of his way to get mine and pack it in with their stuff!!! What the hell!??!!? I have told him MANY TIMES that I don't want his kids using my stuff!! I don't think it's unreasonable for me to feel that way. They each have their own and even if they didn't... tough!!! I don't want their never-washed-always-sweaty-gross-nose-picking-fingers in my baseball glove!! I totally took it out and hid it. I would have also been mad if they had packed my camping chair... my tennis racket... anything else that is mine! I'm not overly materialistic, but I take care of my things! They do not!! They break stuff within minutes of having it in their hands and then look up at you with an "I have no idea how that happened" type face. IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO PRETEND TO BE AN ADULT AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!

My SO also has a bad habit of covering up for them!! Did I ever menion how one of the SKs pulled the shower head down and broke it??? SO totally took the blame for it!! Sheesh!! Although, the only reason SO took the blame for it is because I thought I broke it and went out to buy a new one and SO let me go to the store believing I had broke it and everything!! He called me while I was shopping for one to come clean saying he broke it. I'd believe that if I were stupid! One of his kids pulled it down and it snapped. I wouldn't even be mad! It pisses me off more that he keeps lying about dumb stuff like that! Something his kids obviously did, he says he did! There was a coke or something spilled in the backseat of the truck... I noticed the spot and said "Is that a spill"?? Not mad or anything... just wanting it cleaned up. SO immediately "Yes, I spilled there"! Hmmmmmm.... while you were driving YOU spilled in the backseat??!?!? Something is fishy here!!

Enough venting.... THEY ARE GONE!!! GONE FOR A WEEK!!!

See ya suckers!!!! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile


Can I do this's picture

My SDs are the same way with using/breaking my stuff and not owning up! So I have to hide my things now! Tough luck if you leave your shampoo upside down and it runs out, you're not using my expensive brand! Now they want to use my elliptical machine that also has weight resistence on it and I'm thinking "um .... HECK NO! It'll be broke in a day!" Guess I'm going to have to hide the power plug to it when I'm done using it!

Mine leave in the morning with SO and I get a few days alone (thanks to my sick dog) before I leave to join them at SO's dad's in another state. I will be surely enjoying some wine tomorrow evening!!! (We can cyber share!! LOL!)

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SD has always been expected to ask permission to touch any of my things, but, given her ass-tacular behavior over the last month, she can't ask permission anymore because permission will not be granted until she can prove that she's not going to be a troll. The answer for the indefinite future, should she ask, is a big ol' "NO!" and SO knows this. I personally don't see it as anything but justified (she's not my kid, I have no obligation to share with her and, she treats her own things like garbage, so why should I let her trash my stuff?? She doesn't treat it the way I would like her to treat it and she never puts it back where she got it from either) but SO always gives me this "c'mon" look when I tell him that I don't want her touching my stuff.

I'm just glad that my SD is going home tomorrow on a 7:00AM flight and that, if I'm lucky, I won't have to see her until December! Wine all around tomorrow evening (when I get home from work, of course ^_^)!