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bananaseedo's Blog

Another spoiled skid?

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Apparently Steve Jobs' daughter is cashing her in 15 mins of fame in a new memoir -and stepmom is furious.

Thoughts?  Don't know enough personally-but the fact that both his wife and sister defended the man, guides me to believe another nasty stepdaughter/biomom combo in the works.

She's home!!!

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Our new baby girl puppy Weimaraner Juniper is home.  We are so excited!  She came home Friday morning.  Obviously we've been pretty busy.  Our boy Weim was at a large dog show all weekend-he won his open class 3 times :)  Having him gone was so hard, we missed him so much-BUT it did give us time to have w/her bonding and adjusting to her new home.

Petty time

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Overall w/all the BIG issues we normally deal with the 'small things' I kind of dismiss.  In the scheme of life comparing our miscarriage to stupid things seems dumb-but sometimes I want to bitch about the little things.

My SO.  So he's the one that stays home w/my teens and the dog-soon to be 2nd one.  He does pick up seasonal/part-time work off/on however it works for our schedules.  I'm fine w/that as financially I'm the main bread winner.  I rather have someone at home managing things to be hones-it works for our family.

BM posts wedding pics of her and SO

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OMG, it's been SOOOO quiet on BM front.  But her and her dh split (again) so she must be on reminiscing point or wanting to start shit.

Yesterday she tagged my SD17 with quite a few pics of her and SO when they were young (her age) saying 'thought maybe you would enjoy happy pics of your mom and dad and when we were your age'  A wedding pic, a hug picture, prom pictures...about 8pics or so. 

BARF- and YES she knows SD and I are friends and I can see these posts.

No rest for the wicked I guess.

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So in addition to waiting to see if this miscarriage happens on it's own, I'm now down w/yet another round of bronchitis/sinus infection.  We powered through the weekend at our hunt test-our pup got another leg :)   But I was definately feeling under the weather.  By the time we came back Sunday I had a fever and felt like crap....even worse yesterday and today.  How can I even start my meds to induce the miscarriage feeling like this?  Can't breathe, coughing, head pounding....this sucks! 

Not good news.

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Well guys, looks like another loss. Numbers aren't going up as they should still. Have another ultrasound to confirm tomorrow am. Then it's the wait game to see if my body starts miscarriage on it's own-if not will start pills Wed evening next week. We have a hunt test this weekend w/our dog- so hoping nothing starts before hand-if it does it does- We can always ask somebody else to run him for us.

Still holding to some hope

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Well, not starting the cytotec this weekend. The Dr thinks this could have been a vanishing twin maybe-and the 2nd egg may be late implanting. The US showed a gestational sac measuring for 4wks 5 days- you could see a tiny blob w/in it also could be we calculated wrong on my dates-since my period cycle varies that's very possible. HCG still rising but very very slowly. Still on progesterone now.

Beta numbers hell

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Well, still as confused as ever, now I'm worried.

I went yesterday for another blood draw. Had an apt that afternoon w/the Dr and had them give me cytotec/anti nausea/pain because I figured once I had confirmation of numbers dropping more I would go ahead and start the process Friday when I got home to have the weekend to recover.

Well this morning they advised the levels are back up.

So it goes like this: Wed 2/14: 2423
Fri 2/16: 527
Tue 2/20 825

BEta results :(

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Well all not looking good. Wed my beta was 2324 and progesterone a low 6.8 (which I didn't get prog until yesterday).

Fridays DR apt results finally in today, hcg dropped to 580 but progesterone was up 10.5

I actually started taking progesterone last night (vaginally)- but now w/this I'll discontinue since seems no point.

I'm going to the clinic again tomorrow for another beta but thinking this is it.
