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back2life's Blog

I've lost my shit!

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So, oh wow I gotta write to get this out or im going to go ballistic. Yep, its official, I have lost my shit!!! I cant recap much cuz I cant even think straight right now. But sd17 has been a pain in my ass and in my household since I married dh and moved in here 2 years ago.  So we have mental health issues with her. But as I've been reading true north saga I am fully aware of the extra layer of bullshit thats piled on. Is there a problem... yes. And we have spent 100s of 1000s of $ addressing it.

sick of being slighted by a manipulative brat!

back2life's picture

SD17 is so petty sometimes. It has grated on my absolute last nerve and i am at the point where im ready to serve it back to her! Its all the little things she does. The basic things we teach toddlers....

take your plate to the sink when youre finished

put your trash in the trashcan

turn off lights when you leave the room