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B22S22's Blog

Have You Ever Stood By....

B22S22's picture

and watched the circus (that's not yours) in living color?

Yes, I know you have...

I'm just, ugh. I try to stay out of whatever it is that is going on with DH's kids unless it directly impacts me. Mostly things don't, unless you count DH's piss-poor attitude and grumpiness because of his kids' behaviors, which is what I've been dealing with lately.

Emancipation Paperwork

B22S22's picture

So, DH asked me if I could print off the paperwork needed to submit to the court to stop CS as both of his kids are now emancipation age in this state.

There are two different forms, depending on the situation, one where both parties agree, and one where one party disagrees. The agree part would just be submitting the forms, and having the judge sign off and then notifying DH's employer to stop withholding. The other form would require a court date/hearing.

Meme on Facebook

B22S22's picture

I thought every single one of us could appreciate this meme I just saw on facebook:

"If you have children, remember this: When you finish with them, the rest of us have to live with them so please teach them respect."

Can I get a hallelujah to that?