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What happens when your at an impasse in your marriage?

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I've had one foot out the door for a long time, over various things. Mainly to do with DH not being a true partner to me more than anything. He has always let me shoulder all the responsibilities of the household, until I told him I wanted a divorce about 5 months ago and he begged me to stay and that he would change.

How do you say it?

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How do you say to your husband, I just don't love you anymore and want a divorce? There's been no cheating or abuse or anything like that. I am just worn down from all the little things and all the stupid bullsh*t and I have hit a wall. I want to be alone. More than anything else in the whole wide world. I HATE being married and I want to scream until my voice breaks. For most of our marrige he was uninterested in being in a true partnership. Then a few months ago I told him I was unhappy and wanted a divorce. He begged me to stay and try.