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SS still asking for me all the time and updates!

AshMar654's picture

Things are starting to calm down pretty good here. The g-parents have finally moved about two a week ago. We had them over for dinner and it was nice but odd the g-dad was like ok i am tired lets go. Very odd goodbye. Oh well things have been peaceful and less stressful because we do not have to worry about going there to get stuff anymore or really deal with stuff. The g-mom does want to skype with SS but will call jsut randomly and than text saying hey I tried calling. Hopefully we can get them on a schedule or plan better to skype.

I make SO deal with it.

Now the kicker to it all. I am freaking exhausted to no end. I am so tired these days it is not even funny. For some stupid reason his family thinks that if I text ASH and deal with her I will get to talk to SS and be more involved and know everything going on. That leads to me getting all the contact from them all the time lately. I tell SO he texts back usually but they still just contact me. I do not communicate with people. I forget my phone all the time and it is always on silent. I suck at this and my own mom knows it.

The Aunt is getting way better too. She is with some guy and seems to be focusing more on that and herself and not being so dependent on SS to make her happy. We actually never hear from her. Which I am good with right now. We finally are getting time and weekends to spend just the three of us. Do family things like carve pumpkins, go to a festival, and just be us. That is nice.

The last things SS still is constantly asking for me all the time. SO will be standing right next to him and I will not even be in the room and he will leave the room come ask me or tell me. SO will answer and respond instead of me most of the time. Even SO stepping in and responding is not deferring SS. I have even gone as far as saying ask daddy, you know daddy can give you an answer. He was not like this with anyone else in his family. IDK it is exhausting for me right now. He also told me this morning he is happy he is an only child and does not want any siblings. This kid has been so spoiled. He wanted to play with his new toy thing in the house the other day but the dog is still young with will go after things that SS can throw around. Instead of going and playing in his room alone he tried to put the dog outside so he could play where we were oh and it was raining. That is how bad the attention thing is. Of course SO and I both responded at the same time NOOOOO.

I am just tired. Sorry this was long.


Cutter's picture

You just moved and his entire support system moved away leaving him with a dad he hardly saw and his new girlfriend. He doesn't want to be alone while he adapts to this new life. Give him a break some and let him play in the living room because he needs to feel secure right now.

AshMar654's picture

I agree with that but I do not agree with putting a the dog out in the rain just so SS can play with one certain toy. There was plenty other stuff he could do. He saw his dad a lot more than you think.

Acratopotes's picture

Ash - SS is a spoiled little kid, but he's young enough to have some rules and boundaries, he will get over it. Thus if you say no toys in the living room, it's no toys in the living room, teach him from day one to listen and respect you, no free riding cause his whole support system moved away... how will you change this behavior if he turns 12/16/18?

Best is to immediately start with the house rules...

AshMar654's picture

Thank you. It is so hard sometimes. He is like a really good kid. Does well in school really respectful when we go to friends houses and he is playing with other kids. Everyone even says he is a really great kid.

I sit there and think yeah but you do not deal with him touching everything in the store when we go shopping. He is getting better but he has a need to touch and i know that is a kid thing. He always has to be first to the point where he stand in front of us as we try to get in the door. SO has actually pushed him aside and told him to knock it off. If so hard, it is the little tiny behaviors where you can see he was beyond spoiled.

I told SO about the only child thing and SO was like well he does not have a say in that. I know kids love attention but SS seems to never be able to get enough of it. I do not think I have ever once heard him say he just wants to be left alone in the time I have known him.

At least SO and I can sit on the couch and watch a movie with him and he does not always try to sit in the middle.

IDK I wonder sometimes if he need for attention is because he had no mom around, his dad traveled the last few years, the aunt would take him here and there when it fit into her schedule, the g-parents are old and would tire easily. He had an extremely loving home and had no want for anything but he was not planned. Sometimes I wonder if his crazy need for attention stems from the fact that there was no one consistent person that he knew he could go to for anything. Lots of thoughts run through my head.