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Ann's Blog

Issue on child support

Ann's picture

I would like some advice on this one please. The biomom of our son does not pay her child support agreement to the court like the order states. Every now and then she pay my husband $50.00 (not very often). We just found out she is $17000.00 in the rears and there is a warrant for her arrest.

new here looking to vent out

Ann's picture

Iam so thankful I found this site, I can finally relases my feelings to someone. It is very hard being the Step mom. The mom, that looks after the son and does it all. I have so much anger and hurt inside. I am the mom who takes care of all and gets the bad behavior from my stepson. I don’t like calling him that because in my heart he is mine. I have been the acting mom now for 11 years. Now all of a sudden the bm wants to spend more time with him and plays mind games with him. I have a really hard time

Please help me understand why my stepson lets his bm continue to use him

Ann's picture

I just don't get it. I married a good man that had custody of his 4-year-old son. Eleven years later I am a step mom that has done it all. Everything a parent, mother should do, I have done that and some for this child. I live the day-to-day life with everything for this child. I wouldn't trade it for the world because I love him so but I have such a hard time when I get all of the day-to-day everyday stuff that comes with being a parent and now at the teen years it is rough. You know they have that know everything, smart mouth.