OT - Women Wednesday
What do you do when the Black Dog of Depression dogs your heels or bites you in the arse?
* Watch a comedy. Laughter is a pick-me-up.
* Listen to/watch a comedian. George Carlin, Jim Carrey, Sam Kinnison, Eddie Murphy.
* Weed my flower garden.
* Fix/clean something (broken drawer, move heavy furniture and clean under/behind) and feel a sense of accomplishment.
* Listen to music (One Toke Over The Line by Brewer & Shipley and Happy by Pharrell always lift my spirits).
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Just try to keep reminding
Just try to keep reminding myself that the mood/situation will pass.
It doesn't always help when
It doesn't always help when it's a long, ongoing issue.
Definitely, music - up loud
Definitely, music - up loud and singing along at the top of my voice! Agree with One Toke Over The Line and almost any upbeat song from my teenage years. Also, Bring On the Rain by Jo Dee Messina got me through a trying transition period in my life a few years back.
If the sadness still won't let go, then I drag out all the sad songs and movies and let the tears flow freely. It seems easier to pick myself back up after that.
John Denver has songs that
John Denver has songs that are absolutely perfect for a good crying purge.
"country roads take me home,
"country roads take me home, to a place I belong, west Virginia...." Love John Denver. Sometimes the oldies but goodies can heal. Sing, cry, eat chocolate and feel better. Hugs Miss Aniki
Dovina, I would choke on that
Dovina, I would choke on that chocolate during a big crying purge!! John Denver had the most beautiful voice. He died too soon. Hugs back!!
Oh, John's "I Want To Live"
Oh, John's "I Want To Live" does me in every time. He enjoyed life so much and, yes, gone way too soon.
So many JD songs are poignant
So many JD songs are poignant and 'hit the spot'.
I'm Sorry
Flying For Me
Listen to music Clean Watch
Listen to music
Watch funny videos on YouTube or read funny memes
I try to stay away from alcohol as it only makes it worse.
Zero, gin aids the melancholy
Zero, gin aids the melancholy in me.
whatever it is, just doing
whatever it is, just doing something strictly for ME, because *I* feel like it. it might be a stroll through hobby lobby. or surfing the interwebs on a particular subject. or treating myself to an indulgent lunch. or a long hot shower. or a nap.
i also 'second' comedy therapy. there is one particular video on youtube i could watch over and over again and crack up each and every time. or silly animal videos.
Tuff, the Carlton Dance
Tuff, the Carlton Dance always makes me giggle.
DH can make me laugh
DH can make me laugh hysterically by doing other peoples dances. The Carlton, the Elaine, Gangnam Style. Then he does BM (she apparently doesn't move her feet) and his sisters. He's hilarious!
Kevin James dancing in
Kevin James dancing in Hitch...
Nobodysbaby, I am also a
Nobodysbaby, I am also a stressed/depressed eater. I wish I could NOT eat!!
I rarely reach out to anyone to talk.
Dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate.
Pamper myself. I do something
Pamper myself. I do something I enjoy doing. I may take myself to the movies or out to eat. I also treat myself to something special. Retail therapy is the best.
Dani, nothing like a good
Dani, nothing like a good action flick to get the adrenaline pumping!
Oh yes love a great action
Oh yes love a great action flick. Have you seen Keanu Reeves in John Wick 1 & 2?
Love John Wick!!! I wonder if
Love John Wick!!! I wonder if Keanu will do a third one...
Yes there is going to be a
Yes there is going to be a 3rd one. I think the release date is May 2019.
Woo hoo!!!
Woo hoo!!!
I can only afford to window
I can only afford to window shop!
I do that too. This is weird,
I do that too. This is weird, but sometimes I go on Yelp and read reviews of places I frequent. That always makes me feel better and some reviews make me laugh.
I like 'window shopping' on
I like 'window shopping' on Amazon.
Yes it does. If only for a
Yes it does. If only for a moment.
I have suffered with clinical
I have suffered with clinical depression in the past, and been hospitalised for it. Sadly if that is the problem, then none of the normal things work. When I was depressed, I was not even capable of concentrating on a TV programme, a book etc - the only thing I could do was listen to music and then it had to be really calm, soothing music.
But if I am just feeling down, I generally either indulge in a bit of retail therapy, or get out in my garden and do some work there. Or take the dog for a walk. A glass of wine doesn't hurt either
Kes, I've never reached the
Kes, I've never reached the point of hospitalization, but I know exactly what you mean. Many days, it was took everything I had to drag myself out of bed.
Selecting a new wine to try combines retail therapy and pampering. Add a good comedy flick and we're golden!
Curl up on the couch and
Curl up on the couch and watch horror flicks.
If I need a cry I listen to Leonard Cohen - any song will do.
Petting fur baby helps too. He gets in really close when he knows someone is upset.
Classy, my darling furbaby
Classy, my darling furbaby would put his head on my knee while I cried. I miss him terribly.
Mr. P has been gone 4 months
Mr. P has been gone 4 months and I miss him like it was only yesterday. It's awful.
I lock myself in my room or
I lock myself in my room or my car with tissues, sad music, and a punching bag. Then I let it all out. Go over every last worst case scenario, every mistake I made, every evil around me. I cry, I rage. And then when I'm feeling empty and numb, I start going over every good thing. Even if it's just a smile from a stranger on the street. I take that in and use it to build up a positive image of myself and my life. And if I can't quite get the positivity for me, I think about the positive image I want for BS5 and BS2. Sometimes I can't make the happy stick in me, but I can fake it well enough to get out and moving again. I play with my boys and have a mini date night with DH, and the joy from them seems to sink in and fill me up.
I don't know how else to describe it. Though on rereading it, I kind of make myself sound like an emotional vampire. :? But for me it's more like depression is a black hole trying to draw me in, and every moment I spend with my sons or my DH is another tether or net that pulls me away from the black hole and anchors me in reality.
Unfortunately, I know all to
Unfortunately, I know all to well how to 'fake it'. Which, in itself, is emotionally and physically draining.
Yeah, it definitely can be
Yeah, it definitely can be draining. I'm extraordinarily lucky in that I have DH, who is well-aware of my tells when I'm faking it. He tends to keep a closer eye on me then and try to help boost me back into real happiness.
Yes, very lucky! I don't
Yes, very lucky!
I don't have any 'tells' around my DH. I can be honest with him that I'm depressed.
Laugh at your signature line
Laugh at your signature line about the Amish chick who got caught wearing a thong. That is hysterical.
But seriously, I play the piano and my french horn a lot. It takes my mind off of things. I think exercise is great too, when you are able to go into that zone where you just focus on your breath. I must do that more.
I quit playing piano because
I quit playing piano because of carpal tunnel. It's been surgically corrected, but I'd have to re-learn how to play!