OT - Ready for December 26th
12 days 'til Christmas and I'm as tight as a freshly strung violin. Too much to do, not enough time to do it. I'm the ONE person at work who is swamped and somehow became the spearhead for decorating the damn office. Why? Apparently, no one else can think outside the bloody box and be CREATIVE. What.The.He!!.
In NO way am I looking forward to Skidmas, er, Christmas day. I'd like to skip from December 24th to the 26th! The idea of spending 5 seconds around either of the SDs sucks busted donkey arse.
Things that are OUT:
* Massage
* Jacuzzi
* Swimming (Lake Superior beaches are snowy and ice is forming!)
* Channeling Rip Van Winkle for a long sleep
And while it SOUNDS like a good idea, I honestly CANNOT drink every day. Dammit. I guess that leaves music, chocolate, and pizza.
Who else is ready for the Chaos of Christmas to be over already?
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I'm very ready for the
I'm very ready for the holiday hemorrhaging to stop! BD has her dance recital this weekend, I still have to purchase tickets for family, she suddenly needs white face paint and a nude leotard, plus we still have to pay her private lesson dance teacher.
Yesterday tire light came on, thankfully it was just the spare being low, but decided to check all the tires and front passenger tire has rubber flaking off of it...so new tires for the vehicle stat!
Work thinks that potlucks and cookie exchanges and gift exchanges should happen every other day right now and I'm over here like "whose got time for all of this?" So on top of working all day I'm supposed to come home and bake 4 dozen cookies, three different dishes for three different potlucks and then come up with cheap gifts for 6 other people?
Nope the hemorrhaging has got to stop!
Gads, tires are bloody
Gads, tires are bloody expensive!!
We had potluck at work yesterday. I did NOT bring in any food. One, I'm broke. Two, if I don't bring in food, it's the only way I can keep myself in check and not gorge on all of the available goodies!
This is turning out to be the
This is turning out to be the worst Christmas on record.
We had devastating, heartbreaking news from SO's family yesterday that I can't get into here because of privacy but finally explains why OSS hasn't been in communication with his father for the past couple of months. (See previous blog.)
On my side of the family, we found out yesterday that my aunt, who is like a second mom to me, has a brain tumour and it doesn't look good. We are supposed to fly home on the 24th but I might have to go earlier depending on the next steps outlined by the surgeon today.
SO and I are also have relationship problems and going through a rough patch right now.
We are broke with recently having bought a business and the previous owner screwing us over.
And so on.
F*ck the holidays.
(BTW Aniki - I live near Lake Superior too and the weather is too darn cold right now. Thermostat is reading minus 28 degrees Celsius right now with windchill.)
DPW, I hope the news is not
DPW, I hope the news is not what I think, but... And I'm so sorry about the news of your aunt. How sad.
I am a bit annoyed with my DH. The Hounds of Hell will not force me to contact SD24 and ask what her kids need/want for Christmas. I always did in the past, but after the BS that she and SD21 pulled a few months back... ain't happenin'. Anyhoo, I asked DH twice to contact the beeyotch. Has he? NOPE. Am I going to ask him again? NOPE. However, I hate to see 2 little kids be disappointed at Christmas simply because their mother is a freakin' beeyotch and step-grandpa is at wit's end from work. So. I will either get whatever the he!! I feel like or get gift certificates and give to stepbeeyotch so she can buy them something. (Yes, it's DH's money.)
Sweetie, I'm so sorry you're having relationship AND money problems. The holidays seem to be a popular time for things like that. Prayers that things get better and you can keep soldiering on.
(DPW, I happen to love frigid weather and snow - DH is used to me getting into the big lake in NOVEMBER. But I AM Finnish!)
Ya, it's bad... all around
Ya, it's bad... all around bad. Thanks for your kind words.
I bought the Christmas gifts this year for SOs family. He wasn't going to and similar to you, I can't have his granddaughter not open anything from us on Christmas day. But then again, I have a good relationship with the SSs. If I didn't, not sure if I would have bought anything, to be honest.
NOVEMBER!!! - You are nuts ( said in the most kind possible
I no longer have a good
I no longer have a good relationship with the SDs. Hell can freeze over and I will do nothing to change that. Not after their words/actions. Some things are too vile to allow someone another chance and neither will get one from me.
I have always been the one to contact SD and buy the gifts for DH's step-grandkids. They are 8 and 2 and innocent. I'm seriously considering gift cards because I loathe trying to shop this time of year. Traffic is bad enough, but the stores? ~shudder~
Yes, November. When my Dad was a boy, he and his siblings started dipping in the ol' swimming hole earlier and earlier 'til the year they broke the ice to go swimming. I am definitely (proudly) my father's daughter. And while my DH loves cold weather, he does NOT like cold water. His motto is "ON the water; not IN the water". He has a lot of fishing poles.
You have right to set those
You have right to set those boundaries with the SDs for sure!
I'd get a small gift and a gift card if I was you for the SGDs. Something to open, something to spend.
SO is excited to go fishing. Growing up in the big city, he's never been. Now that we are living up hear near all this water, he's like a schoolgirl excited about fishing!
I got some candy and a small
I got some candy and a small toy for the 8yo and some cookies and a small stuffed animal (that can be chewed on) for the 2yo. I'm waiting until the 20th and if DH hasn't contacted SD24, I'll get 2 gift cards. Sigh...
The best part of going fishing, to me? Being on the water!
Same with me and skids. I
Same with me and skids. I would always buy some little thing for them to open and them cash or gift cards. I just told DSO ask them if they want anything or its just money and nothing to open.
Actually, this year is just cash to everyone but my 2 young gkids, 7 and 4, and my brothers 3 youngest gkids, 7, 4, 3.
Only good thing is that my family gets together on the 24th to celebrate, DSO always has skids come to our house after that and I have drank enough liquor to just buss thru their 30 minute gift grab.
First time in probably 4 years I'm not working Xmas Day. I will cook and have DSO invite his brats but I know none will show up.
My family used to get
My family used to get together on Christmas Eve, but as their families expanded to daughter/son-in-laws and grandbabies, it changed to Christmas day in the late afternoon (so grandkids had the special Christmas morning excitement of seeing that Santa had come!).
BioHo, that greedy beeyotch, has a schedule set in stone. Before the divorce was final, she never let DH have the kids during Christmas. However, all of the skids MUST be at her house Christmas Eve AND spend the night (SD24, baby daddy and their 2 kids, too) so they can all have a bigass breakfast Christmas morning after prezzies. DH is not about to change it (he works nights so the time works for us), so we're stuck with Christmas afternoon. The ONLY regret I have is that my Dad and SM won't be here - they live in Florida. Otherwise, I'd happily blow off the skids and ride a moose to my brother's house.
Well, here in Dumb Bunny
Well, here in Dumb Bunny Land, DH and I decided to buy a house and move during the holidays. We close on 12/20 and the movers will be moving the furniture on 12/27.
So on top of dealing with the skids from 12/20 until 12/26 (oh, and 12/13-12/15), it's total chaos in my house. And the three days after Christmas that I had planned to be very laid back? Yep, moving.
Oh, and DH's bday is tomorrow and SD's is 12/22, so I've got to manage those, too. And neither will tell me anything they want. (DH gets a house.)
Our Christmas tree isn't set up, not a single gift is wrapped (though I quit shopping for it), and I won't be able to do anything at the new house until 12/23 because of painters!
I'm stupid. I love new house, so I suppose it's worth it, but geez, our timing stinks! LOL
We moved Dec 23 last year.
We moved Dec 23 last year. It was a nightmare. We put the Christmas tree on the moving truck so the kids would have a nice Christmas in the new house. I spend 2.5 hrs in the grocery store on Christmas eve because DH's mom said she was coming over for dinner (first time meeting her). She didn't show. Never again!
Ninji, you were in the
Ninji, you were in the grocery store on Christmas Eve?? Gads!!
Nengooseus, I do NOT envy you
Nengooseus, I do NOT envy you moving around the holidays. Ugh!!
Gift bags are easier than wrapping. Just stuff a sheet of tissue paper in the top of the bag.
I AM thankful that DH said he doesn't want to put up a tree this year. Thankful and relieved!! SD24's youngest is 2 and PigPen15 is careless and thoughtless. I don't want any of our precious glass ornaments to get broken. Plus, I'm the one who ends up taking everything down and I no longer have to do that. Yippee!
I am sorry your Christmas is
I am sorry your Christmas is going to be a day of dread. It is not the way the day is supposed to be spent...
I am looking forward to the holiday's - at least I get to see my family and be AWAY from the steps. I had to laugh. This was supposed to be the year with MY family... Ha! IPOD-H thought WE were spending it with my family. Me, yes. HIM = not! He is a bit peeved that I wont play nice for Christmas. Dude! I am in process of DIVORCING you!! Why would I want you around at Christmas with MY family??
Myss.Tique, you are so right.
Myss.Tique, you are so right. I used to love Christmas. The skids and their GIMME attitude put a huge pall on it. All they care about is how much money DH put on the gift card. Do they give HIM a gift. Nope. They have never bothered to give him so much as a $1 card. Don't know why I'm surprised since they never give him a card on his birthday or Father's Day. For that matter, they can't be bothered to call or text him on those days, either. IMHO, the ONLY reason they show up for Christmas is to collect. Arseholes.
Aniki, what are you going to
Aniki, what are you going to do to "take back Christmas?".
Really you cant have the day ruined by the skids. So starting next year, what are you doing different. You are a such a wonderfully kind person... Why on earth is your day reduced to this? !!
Please let this be the last time you subject yourself to this. Even if you need to let DH spend the morning alone with the kids - you need to make the day special.
Myss.Tique, I have NO idea
Myss.Tique, I have NO idea what to do next year. I cannot afford to go to Florida to visit my Dad and SM. The drive to my brother's is too long in bad weather and staying at their house is NOT an option. So, I'm at a loss. Getting tipsy sounds good on paper, but I have no desire for that to be an annual thing. There's really nowhere for me to go. Any ideas?? :?
If I make it to Dec 26th it
If I make it to Dec 26th it will be a Christmas miracle, or just confirms I am living in hell. Guess its the half full or half empty glass, depending how you look at it.
I will keep my glass full, Aniki do the same. That way we wont even remember getting to the 26th
Dovina, at this point, I'm
Dovina, at this point, I'm trying to decide between spiking my coffee with Di Saronno, keeping a bottle of red wine next to my chair (room temp, y'know), or drinking Evan Williams egg nog. Sigh...
I found out from DH that he's
I found out from DH that he's trying to switch having the SDs from next week - 26th (they are with BM from 26th - New Years each year) to having them from the 22nd/23rd - 28/29th. That would be GREAT! No listening to constant chaos and yelling and messy kitchen and dinner planning AND gift wrapping and Xmas SD talk all the time. We'll have the down time and DH will be home with them that week.
And maybe DH will take them to a hotel in the city for a night (gift to me too!).
I don't know about the plan yet but will ask soon as I think this will be ok...if not, oh well.
I'm kind of looking forward to my cookie making (only for me) this weekend!
Cover, I'm sure I could find
Cover, I'm sure I could find some lovely wine to pair with those cookies...
You Northern girls can come
You Northern girls can come stay with me in Florida. It's going to be 70 and sunny these next few days. I will have 11 days off from work. We can drink!!
I won't see the steps. They will get their gifts and that will be the last I see of them for many months.
NO steps?! You lucky, lucky
NO steps?! You lucky, lucky woman!!
I'm going to rub it
I'm going to rub it in......
the 24th is fine, cause we are not into gift giving ceremony, a simply bbq and that's that
The 25th is a mess, I asked if we can be with my parents this year and I got a whole lot of lip.... SO wants to be with his family cause Aergia and pozzy will be joining that day blablabla..
I kept quiet - going to have a wonderful 25th on my own, maybe with Deigma.... somewhere on the beach with a cooler box. Not joining SO cause I'm done with his drama... oh and he will pay for it..
Acra, your plan for the 25th
Acra, your plan for the 25th sounds great!