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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Friday at last! We've almost made it to the weekend. Just a few hours to go.

Eff off to:

  • Programmers who ask ME what Inbound and Outbound mean. Seriously, dude?? If you don't know how the flow works, you have NO business programming. Sheesh.
  • An arsehole coworker who thinks that, because someone else did "extra" things for him, I will, too. Nope. Not in my job description AND the boss has already told you ANIKI IS NOT DOING THAT. Stop pestering me to "just do me this little favor". YOU could have done it 3 times already instead of whining like a 5yo. BTW, those people you want me to HOUND? They know how to do their damn jobs and they have the timeframe in which they need to be done. Pestering them p!sses them off and means they will wait until the eleventh hour to finish the work. BAD idea.
  • The jerkwad who spilled something stinky and sticky in the microwave. And on the table. And on the floor. Three rolls of paper towels next to the damn microwave, but jerkwad didn't bother to clean it up. #$&*@!! fackwit.


Have a good weekend, STalkers! If it's not skid-free, I hope you get some quality "me" time!


advice.only2's picture

Eff Off to allergies! Seriously thought this super bloom is killing me!! My eyes look like I've been on a bender for a month, and my raspy voice makes me sound like I smoke a pack a day!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh no! Spring... 'tis the season to be sneezin'.

Sorry you're suffering, advice. Are you able to take anything that relieves that? Sad

advice.only2's picture

I take Zyrtec, but right now it's really windy so it's just blowing all the pollen and stuff right into my lungs. It will settle down soon....hopefully!

beebeel's picture

Bad. I can manage the stuffy nose and itchy eyes with meds, but I've been waking up with a killer headache every morning this week because my sinuses are so congested.:( 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture


  • SD6 this morning. Apparently Psycho's house is bigger (it's not),, she's better... OH, AND she wishes that I would drop her AND MY DOG off at Psycho's to just live there. Then when asked why? "Well you don't buy me the toys I want every time I ask." (Well neither does she??? She doesn't spend a PENNY on them, she doesn't even buy cool things like, you know. fitting clothing.).  So that was fun... Who doesn't love beign up with a sick kid all night (fever finally broke at about 3AM, she was throwing up and everythign prior) and then berrated with that crap first thing this morning???
  • This client I've been working with ALL WEEK. They have zero clue what they're doing. Their IT people locked everything down, so I have to work with them to do things I could do myself 4x faster.
  • Dealing with Psycho tonight. BLECK
  • DH working all day Sunday and getting called in for tonight. He'll still be able to do the date tomorrow as planned. But it sucks that I'll be alone all weekend.


But as a positive. Took DH's SUPER overrweight dog on a run yesterday. He loved it. Was exhausted after. But he ran like a champ and stayed right by my side and I didn't have to go quite as slow as I thought. I was proud.My dog got jealous. But he has enough energy that DH's dog never would have kept up, and mine would have gotten bored and ran in zig zags tripping us both in the process.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Aw, hon. Sorry you're dealing with a sick kiddo.

Honestly, I think SD6 is really struggling. Maybe she thinks saying all of that caca will manipulate you into buying things. Are they still in therapy? xoxo

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Trying to find a new therapist. SD6's only has openings every month and a half. Which isn't consistent enough for a confused 6 year old.... So far it's been dry. I've now called 6 places and they either aren't taking new patients or won't accept the insurance. It's been frustrating.  I agree she's struggling. But PMSing me was already feeling like crap today. LOL

DPW's picture

Eff off to still not knowing what caused the allergic reaction that hospitalized me this week. I'm scared to eat anything, wash myself, etc... for it flaring up all over again. A million vials of blood, urine test, xrays, swabs and still no answers from three specialists. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Holey old socks, DPW!! That IS scary. Do you think you've managed to list everything you consumed, where you were, etc?? I know allergies can develop as you get older (it's happened to my siblings and a couple of nephews). Even to things you've used for years. I hope you're able to figure it out soon. {{{hugs}}}

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Have they done like a little scratch test kind of thing at all? My sister had that done at one point because she was flaring up so bad.

I'm so sorry DPW!

agitated's picture

suddenly, without changing ANYTHING in my diet, gaining weight while working out 7 days a week and eating healthy. By healthy I mean clean eating and everything is homemade. EVERY.SINGLE.MEAL!!!!! I also watch my carb intake. WTF. I've put on 3.5 lbs this week. Not happy.

agitated's picture

I know! However, after working out consistently for the past three years and maintaining; all of a sudden I started gaining. Maybe it's stress related?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That's possible. Are you doing the same workout routine? Maybe it's time to shake it up.

agitated's picture

No, I switch it up between my 3 favorites every 8-12 weeks or so. I think I need to change it up to something completely new.

Cover1W's picture

EFF off to drivers who, when you actually confim that yes, please go, you DO have the right of way and they STILL get mad at you...for agreeing with them.  On a bike, you just can't win no matter what.

EFFoff to work.  Just work.  I need to retire.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That's annoying. I've seen cyclists who believe the rules do NOT pertain to them. Someone must be smiling down on the fools because they're unscathed.

24 years as a SM's picture

DH really pissed me off this morning, he's retired now and thinks that my job doesn't mean shit. All I do is sit on my ass, and I really don't work, because I work from home.  Well F.U., just because my job isn't manual labor, doesn't mean that I don't bust my ass working. He sure doesn't mind the income that I bring in.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Damn, I'd be p!ssed, too. I'm a desk jockey and have worked from home on occasion. I usually get more done at home because there are fewer interruptions.

agitated's picture

My DH says the same kind of nonsense! I don't work from home, but I'm the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Corrections and I stay PLENTY busy. I can almost bet I move more than he does at his manual labor job daily. Not to mention the mental exhaustion. Geesh, men are idiots.

24 years as a SM's picture

My DH was a truck driver for 43 years, so he sat on his ass driving. I never belittled his job, so I am pissed that he said anything my job.

I am an office manager for a property management company. We manage over 400 rentals and I take care of all the inspection reports, work orders for repairs, scheduling and purchasing appliances, and writing all the leases. Sometimes by the end of the day, I am mentally exhausted.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I can relate to the mental exhaustion with my job. I'd much rather be physically tired.

WarMachine13's picture

Eff off to rain. Damn sick of it. River is passed flood stage and we got more effing rain today and tomorrow. Thnk I'm getting webbed feet. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh no! Is your home in jeopardy? Prayers that you're safe, WM.