OT - Eff Off Friday
Happy Friday, STalkers. It's that time again! Eff off to:
- arseholes who sit at a green light until you give a short honk (probably on his cell phone) then they constantly change lanes to prevent you from passing, and when a long empty space opens up, they gun it. F*ckwit.
- people who think every bloody call should be on speakerphone
- my lack of willpower when it comes to tasty pizza
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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Me being at work while my
No 'F' bomb when you're
No 'F' bomb when you're yelling? My drive to work usually has 10 or more! LOL
Uh, it's me. Of COURSE there
Uh, it's me. Of COURSE there are f bombs when I am driving
Eff off to:
Eff off to:
I'd say more, but I'm in a shcokingly good mood this morning
Ran a half mile in under 2 minutes, curled a 40 lb. weight (with each arm individually), did 20 pull-ups, actually did SD5's hair instead of just running a brush through and calling it a day, and I was a full five minutes early to work, so I'm on a bit of a high and might be feeling like a bit of a bada$$ this morning. LMAO
PA, share some of that energy
PA, share some of that energy!!
Sending vibes to you!!! (Also
Sending vibes to you!!! (Also thermogenics... I started new ones this week, THEY WORK. I feel like I have enough energy to conquer things! And I look like I just came out of a pool at the gym, LMAO)
Sweating it against my
Sweating it against my religion!!
Thermogenics, huh?
They're supposed to help make
They're supposed to help make you sweat more and burn more. But they also have caffeine so they give you some energy. You take them 30 minutes before a workout. So far they're doing pretty good. I have energy and my workout went well!
Eff off to:
Eff off to:
-People pulling out in front of you and then slowing down and weaving around erractically. When you get a chance to pass them you see them not looking at the road at all but looking down at their phone! Just as bad as a drunk driver! Maybe worse!
-Staying in the passing lane on the highway while not actually passing anyone and clogging up traffic. Then when people finally get a chance to pass (in the other lane) speeding up! One of my biggest pet peeves.
-People that think they need to call instead of texing or e-mailing.
I think I could go on and on about all my driving pet peeves. Also the fact that it has been raining nonstop for like 40 days and 40 nights here isn't helping matters!
Happy Friday all!!!! *yes3*
The passing lane thing!!! I
The passing lane thing!!! I can't stand that!!! I already explained to SD9 the difference between the two lanes... LOL
On my route to work it is
On my route to work it is only two lanes on both sides of the highway so if you get stuck behind some numb nutt just putsing along you are screwed and it happens like every morning. You would think the ding dong would notice that once there is a chance for others to get over they ALL do and then pass them in the right lane! I also hate semis which are usually clogging up the other lane! Ugh!
Oh and merging onto the highway is another pet peeve. I hate when people on the highway aren't courteous enough to either slow down slightly, speed up slightly, or get the hell over! I know they have the right away but really just paying attention and doing 1 of these things isn't that hard! I always get over if I can but if I can't I allow them room to merge!
The semis here do the same
The semis here do the same thing! There were TWO OF THEM! Driving side-by-side on the two lane highway on my way to work! I got so frustrated with them! I was lucky I didn't have a kid in the car, I was speaking rather.... colorfully...
Yep, they do that crap here
Yep, they do that crap here also! I have a major problem with cussing and driving! LOL! Plus it has been raining here nonstop for over a week now which apparently makes the drivers even worse! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!
Do you have a reservation on
Do you have a reservation on the Ark yet?
I've been considering
I've been considering building my own and charging people to reserve a spot on it! I don't even know how it is possible to rain this much!!!!! I just checked the forecast for the weekend....MORE RAIN!!!! I am going to snap soon!
Would you prefer snow?
Would you prefer snow?
We had our fair share of that
We had our fair share of that before all this rain. I honestly don't know which is more annoying to me at this point. The snow would at least fill in all these potholes and make a smoother drive
I'll take snow over rain
I'll take snow over rain every time!!
I actually enjoy a good
I actually enjoy a good spring/summer storm but this is just a continuous downpour with no end in site. None of the good thunder and lightening...just blah rain and dreary sky! :( The only positive I can think of at the moment is that things are starting to bud and all the rain will make all the new blooms so bright and vibrant!
Left lane exits!
Seems in suburban Washington DC they were quite common. Makes you have to drive in the extreme left lane if you want to exit. And with their traffic and drivers once I got there I was not going to move right because there was no way I would be able to get back in. Which brings me to my second pet peeve: people who intentionally block your way, i.e. speed up, when you need to change lanes. I'm so glad I don't live there anymore!
Eff off to:
Eff off to:
- being surprised with $2000 worth of bills for a repair that was supposed to go through insurance but isn’t now
- SO promising SS a sum of money for school which he doesn’t have, didn’t tell me about for three months, and is now not talking to ME because I got mad
- having to work everyday this weekend
Ugh, those effing repair
Ugh, those effing repair bills.
I am willing to smack your SO in the back of the head for you.
Eff off to gray skies. I feel
Eff off to gray skies. I feel like I haven't seen sun or felt warmth in a decade.
Eff off to co-workers who talk too much before I have had my coffee.
Eff off to paying rent. Seriously, I am so over sky high rent payments for a tiny place.
Are you in OH also?!?! I feel
Are you in OH also?!?! I feel the same about the lack of sunshine! I might have to start going to a tanning bed or something! I need some damn sunshine in my life!!!!!