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Aly Fran's picture

DH and I were together for a total of 5 years. If I were to recall our relationship then I'll have to say the bad outweighs the good. 

We have a daughter together and I stayed and fought for the sake of out daughter. But I can't do this anymore, I have reached the end of the road there's no turning back and there's Bo where to go.

My relationship has reached the end. I've been verbally, mentally and physically abuse by this man. I can't take anymore of it. I said so because I've been thinking suicidal thoughts lately due to the abuse I've been enduring pure torment and torture from this man. If it's not his daughter causing chaos and confusion it's dealing with his after effects from alcohol. He's a drunk. He consumes alcohol everyday.

Did I mention that he's a pure narcissist, he's the true definition of what a narcissist really is... 

He enjoys tormenting me but this is taking a tole on my mental health. 

I'm at a point where I feel like I'm going mad. My mental health is on the verge.

I'm ready to run for my life  I'm planning my way out. I feel ready so give up everything and start over my life with my children. 

But these suicidal thoughts weren't leave my mind.

I can safely say at this stage I hate this man and his daughter. May their souls never be at peace for what they put me through.




Rumplestiltskin's picture

The end of one road is the beginning of another. I know it's hard right now, but these feelings don't last forever. You will feel better again, i promise, if you just hold on. If you are feeling hopeless or panicked, take deep breaths and think about what makes you happy. Breathe slowly in and slowly out. It may take a while, but after a few minutes it will help. When you feel stronger and more calm, reach out to someone for help. Your family, a friend, or the helpline posted above. You will need support to help you through this tough situation. 

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Many of our lives adversely. In my case it's my mother and I think she is also has narcissism to go with the alcoholism. I currently have her blocked as do all my siblings. We can't be enablers or codependent and we can't put up with them abusing us . Absolutely leave him

TrueNorth77's picture

First, please talk to someone. I think that is the first step to all of this - it's a lot to deal with. 

But also, absolutely get out NOW. I'm glad you have realized this needs to happen. I'm sad for you that it has gotten to the point where you are so unhappy. But, look to the future and know that there is happiness for you once you leave. Do NOT let this man and his kids steal your happiness or think that this is all there is to your life. You will soon look back on this time as an unfortunate phase in your life that you got through. You will be amazed at how things can change once you make the decision to do so. Hang in there. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

I pray you leave safely.

Id call the cops on this loser and never look back.

You and your daughter deserve better. Get help for your thoughts. The last thing your daughter needs is to lose a loving capable mama and to be left with an abusive prick. I will pray for you.

I too hope he suffers big time after what he has done. Not very "christian' of me to say but dang it he sounds lower than the lowest jerk out there.

Take care of yourself

Aly Fran's picture

Thank you guys for all your support and words of encouragement. I have been trying my hardest to fight this battle. I feel trapped at the moment but with the grace of God I'll work my way out slowly but surely. I'm trying to be calm right now until better can be done. I'm pulling my hands slowly out of the lion's mouth and I'm almost there. I can't wait to start over and be happy again...