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DIY Projects and Fragile Male Egos. AKA DH is Being a Pissy Pants

AllySkoo's picture

We have a kitchen cupboard. I suspect it was originally a coat closet when the house was built, because it's weird. It's about 4 feet deep, but it's over the wood box, so you get one foot of floor, then a "ledge" or shelf that's 3 feet deep. We also had a top shelf that didn't go all the way back, maybe 2 feet deep.

DH has always wanted to reorganize this closet. Fine. He wants more shelves. Fine. So he started a project yesterday to redo the closet. He took off the top shelf entirely and put in new shelves (on the top) that run along the sides of the closet instead. So yes, we have more "shelf space". That's completely un-fucking-usable. First off, the shelf is above my head by about 8 inches, so I can't see anything unless it's right on the edge. Then, three fucking feet of shelf is actually above the "ledge", meaning I'd have to move crap and get up on the ledge to get anything down! I certainly can't reach it. Hell, I can't even see it right now. I was looking for beef broth for dinner, and I looked in the damn closet and didn't see it. I asked DH and yes, it was on that fucking shelf. (DH also had to climb up on the bottom shelf to get it, by the way.) So I wouldn't have even known IF it was there unless I climbed up on the bottom shelf so I could look!

I tell DH that I don't think we should put food on that shelf. I can't even SEE things to know if I have them, much less reach them. DH says, "You couldn't see anything the way it was before!" I say, "Yes I could" and that was it. DH snapped "FINE! I'll just take it all down then!" and stomped off with his panties in a twist. Normally I might have said, "No, it's fine, I'll get used to it" and tried to salvage his feelings, but I HATE THIS NEW SHELVING.

WHY do men have to invest so much of their ego in whether a DIY project works?!?! GAH! I'm not speaking to him at the moment. Too afraid I might say something I'll regret tomorrow.


AllySkoo's picture

Lol God forbid our husbands admit we might be RIGHT. The world might end or something. *eye roll*

AllySkoo's picture

LOL! That's perfect. Smile

I should note that my DH is, in general, a keeper. He can (and does) cook, clean, buy me flowers for no reason, make me laugh, respects me, and is the most loyal and honorable man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. This incident is an anomaly. He is now pretending it never happened and is talking to me and trying to make me laugh. If he actually takes the shelves down without bitching again, I'll forgive him . Wink

simifan's picture

I have one of those shelves I can reach or see crap on. Ya know what I use it for - the appliance graveyard - crock pot, toaster, blender, etc. At least that way i have more counter space. It works even better now that DS12 is now 4 inches taller then me; he loves to have to get things down from it.

misSTEP's picture

My DH has issues with focus. So once he gets into his hyperfocus mode, he gets crabby if he's brought out of it. That is why it took him to hang up wallpaper. Because he decided he needed to precisely measure out every strip for the angled wall...rather than use my suggestion to put it up and just cut off the excess!

In fact, he was so focused, he doesn't even remember me SAYING that. He was watching a show on HGTV with me the other day and they were putting up wallpaper (using my method, of course) and he exclaimed, "BOY. That would have made that job SO MUCH EASIER than how I did it!!" I couldn't stop myself before I said, "I guess you should have LISTENED TO ME since I SUGGESTED that to you at the time!"

Tuff Noogies's picture

awwwwww poor guy! i'm an ego-stroker when it comes to dh, but then again i am totally a "its the thought that counts" kind of person.

i'm just glad my hubby wouldnt do something like that w/o input on the functionality of it!!!!

and he's not too proud to ask for help - he gets frustrated easily and usually ends up asking me to put things together. i'm a "RFD", methodical, step-by-step Taurus.