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Ain'tNobodyGotTime4That's Blog

Rollercoaster BM

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Do you of you guys deal with a BM that goes from hating you, to singing your praises, to nitpicking with you again, to giving you birthday cards to being an asshole again?

I do, and after 7.5 years, I can say I am exhausted. Only six years left!

I don't have the energy for this!

Ain'tNobodyGotTime4That's picture

Okay, so I used to be a member a loooong time ago. Coming back because BM is getting on my everloving nerves. Our history is sketchy at best, but recently she has gone out of her WAY to try to irritate me, and it is getting on my nerves.

My husband and I do 80% of the transportation. Today he was at work, and SD12 was here. BM texts DH and asks what time he is bringing SD home. He says he is at work, you can pick her up when you want her to come home. She says to him "TELL (my name here) to drop her off."