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O/T - credit card numbers

Acratopotes's picture

I can't find that blog about the SD with her Dad's credit card details....

i owe some people an update lol......

it's world war 5 in the house due a bank card that's missing, I'm rolling around with laughter.....

I'm an evil evil person and will be shown the doors at the big burning gates.... NO ENTRY !!!
instead I will get one match to start my own hell for all possible evil SM's


Acratopotes's picture

Monchichi - I have no idea how a bank card can go simply missing... never happened to me before... }:)

Acratopotes's picture

humm no downsouth..... the original posting was link to this... this is an update lol

In short - SO gave his bank card to Aergia to holiday on, he did not have money during the holiday for unforseen house maintenance and I paid for everything, I know his financial position... only after the holiday I discovered he handed his bank card to Aergia and she blew allot of money... his bank balance is back in overdraft....

Thus I saw the card on the table and I took it... cut it up.... now it's SO's problem to get a new card and he told Aergia if she looses it she will never get it again.. (she keeps on loosing her own, he has to replace it 8 times a year... her own card) Thus to ensure that he never gives his debit or credit card to her ever again, I made sure of it... how was I suppose to know the card will grow legs and had no sense of safety walking straight into scissors??
My cards are very well taught about safety rules in my financial world...

The other OP is ticked off cause her SD has her husbands card number and spends money... so I suggest she report the card as stole, her DH have to get a new card and SD will not have the number for a while..

so no child's card was harmed or abused in any of the cases... now relax and read propperly

CLove's picture

Oh - supposedly "shes not like that", I was just worried that something would happen, but since hes not worried I let it go. Have to pick my battles. Tonight begins SD17 and SD10 three night stay with us, so I am gearing up for my home to again be a war zone, like it usually is, when SD17 stays with us. She doesn't GET that she is rude and lazy and could offer to help, but at almost 18 has to be TOLD to do her dishes and TOLD to use hot water and soap. Arg.

CLove's picture

LOL. I remember THAT conversation. Hee Hee, Haw Haw...I can just imagine snowflake and your SO. Oh WEll, not sympathetic.

And updated to that post: Winona and Daddy got into an argument yesterday because after watching Gma for the weekend, she wanted to come over to our house, and told her daddy "I hate it at moms, and want to come to your house tonight, mom said I could stay where I wanted."

To which my awesome incredible SO replied "your mother and I have an AGREEMENT, and I am following the rules of what we agreed to, and you are going to your mothers tonight, its her night, and thats final! Until you turn 18, you will continue with the schedule your mother and I have (oh cripes, what then!!!) and until you can show respect your door stays off."