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AAT9421's Blog

Tween Attitude

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My SS11 is exhibiting what I assume is normal tween behavior. Lots of attitude, belittling comments, moodiness. Do you all let the disrespectful comments slide or do you address in the moment, letting skids know it's not ok?

Different Rules

AAT9421's picture

How do you all deal with skids having different rules than the ones you want to set with your bio kids? For example, my SS10 is allowed to keep his room as messy as he likes. Both his parents are ok with this. Meanwhile it's important to me that my daughter picks up after herself and learns to take care of her things. Thanks for any advice!

SS10 Hates It Here

AAT9421's picture

My husband and I have 50/50 custody of my SS10. We do the 2,2,5 schedule. The issue is my SS hates being at our house. He looks miserable every time he's dropped off and he calls his mom when something is bothering him even though he could easily come to me or his dad. Sometimes he's on the phone with her for over an hour and recently he's taken to lying about calling her (though we've never told him he can't or acted as if we disapprove). 

What happened to me?

AAT9421's picture

I've been a stepmom for four years. I just became a bio mom 9 months ago. Since then I have lost almost any affection I had for my SS who is 9 and a really good, sweet kid. We have him 50% of the time and while I've always preferred the days when it was just my husband and me, now I actively dread the days we have him at our house. And when he's there, I white-knuckle my way through the time and feel so relieved when he's back with his mom. He was an only child/grandchild for a long time so acted out a bit when his sister was born which added a lot of stress to those early days.