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wesleysmommy09's Blog

sd age 6 out of control

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my step daughter age 6 has adhd shes currently taking adderall 10mg well shes not listening,stealing,cussing,back talking,lying,hitting and throwing temper tatrums when we ask her a question any question even as easy as how was your day shes just stares at us and plays with her fingers or just keeps saying umm to where i cant stand that word shes stealing it started out with just candy now its credit cards insurance cards money jewlary clothes we have tried talking to her about it we have tried asking her why and how would she feel if it happened to her and she just stares and says ummm she

step daughter has a mouth on her!!!

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i have a 5 year old step daughter that will be 6 in august she doesnt listen to me at all she hardly listens to her dad and no its not because of the divorice and its not because of the baby she was like this before she knew i was pregnant she will tell you to f off in a heartbeat and call you a b*tch and has taught my 10 month old those words me and my sons father dont cuss around the children anyways the other night we had to fill the fathers med late one night and she told him shes not going in he cant make her and she told him that your going to drive back home NOW she hits her lil brot