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diesel777's Blog


diesel777's picture

The one thing i cant seem to shake is the guilt i feel for not wanting nothing to do in ss life.In my heart i know he doesnt care two craps about me and only is nice when he wants something but its hard to shake.I have had my mom pass away 2 years ago,some close friends and recentely my grandmother and this 16 year old little shit didnt even acknowlege one of them........never even said anything to me.I live out of canada so i travel alone to the funerals but he never said anything......

Im not the only one

diesel777's picture

For a long long time i felt terribly guilty about the feelings i have towards my wifes son.when i met her he was 7,i heard that his father passed away before he was born.......i felt terrible for him.My wife and i got serious and the first years i did everything in my power to make him feel comfortable with me.I made it a point to take him to see movies,arcades,buy clothes,mcdonalds,help with his homework.......everything.....But i always felt something wasnt right....When he turned ten my son was born.The best day of my life.But i still made it a point to spend time with ss.