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Stepmum2015's Blog

Social Services

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Should I report my SD Bio mum to social services. She still insists that SD now 9 still co-sleeps with both her and dad. We have tried to sort the co-sleeping but SD then refuses to come, which I would quite happily allow, but that would then leaving SD in the sole influence of her mum and she would become as big a nutter as her mother.

No one told me being a step parent was so lonely

Stepmum2015's picture

I wish someone had warned me that being a step parent was so lonely. I feel No one understands what pressures we face, and the lack of influence we have over a child that we are expected to love unconditionally when we haven't any real connection. I feel so frustrated as you can't talk to anyone about how you are truely feeling.  You can't talk to your partner cause your just being a bitch, you can't talk to family and friend cause they think you being stupid for putting up with it and maybe that's true, but things are not always black and white.