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sm27's Blog


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I guess it was a process but last year seemed to be the year that I finally got tired of the BS. After all, here I was 11 years into a relationship with a man 15 years older than myself who didn't want to do anything with his life besides smoke marijuana, watch porn all day, control my life, and play victim to circumstances (he couldn't find a job after he quit the previous one because he had a record). I began getting tired of the poor me act. I started seeing him for what he was. Though I loved him dearly, I knew that things could not work out between us because I felt alone.

Need advice quick!

sm27's picture

I haven't posted for a while but I have a dilemma. I left the last person I was with and have basically moved on with someone else. The new person has three children, ages 2, 8, and 13. He has custody of the 8 and 13 yr old but is currently picking up his 2 year old who lives in another state, who will be staying with us at least for a month. He will be back tonight and said that the baby will sleep with us. I am okay with sleeping in the older kids rooms or with a friend but he wants me to stay and says that I won't mind.

This morning, I told him I decided to leave

sm27's picture

I didn't know whether I should tell him once I found a place, or now. I opted to tell him now, just so that he would be prepared when I find an apartment. He just stood quiet and said that he wanted to come with me "because it wouldn't look right" that I move and he stays behind (with the roommate). I told him that this is a big decision for him, because I already decided that I prefer to live alone (I've never lived alone, and got into the relationship with him at 18).

It isn't the Step Situation, it's the relationship

sm27's picture

When I first came to ST, I felt that I hated my ss. I felt jealous and annoyed with him (constantly demanding attention), and guilty for all of these feelings. I felt that EOW my space was invaded. I felt powerless over my living situation, I resented that my weekends with SO had to be shared with ss doing kiddie things from when he got to the apartment until he left. The frustration that resulted in all of these feelings was misdirected towards ss.

Everything is starting to get to me.

sm27's picture

I know that part of it is due to the fact that I am trying to quit smoking. I have been doing okay, taking a couple of puffs here and there, but hadn't had a cigarette since Wednesday (this is improvement since I was going through 1 1/2 packs per day). SO decides that he also wants to quit. I'm already getting worried because I know how I get when I try to quit and I know how he gets, but all seemed to be okay. Until today. SO goes to pick up ss9. When ss9 comes back, he starts doing the little divisive act that he sometimes does.

O/T, but how do you deal with female friends of your SO?

sm27's picture

My SO, as most of you know is a little older than me, 15 years to be exact. I already know that because of the age difference, we will have a certain dynamic. For example, sometimes, I find myself resenting the fact that he had a past before me; including BM, and certain friends and life experiences. Well, we have been together for 9 years, going on 10 this year, and maybe about 2 years into the relationship, SO told me that he used to have a really close female friend. They used to be so close that they used to sleep in the same bed.

Guilty Parenting

sm27's picture

Last week, when SS9 was over, SO wanted to take him outside so he could play with his new remote control car. I didn't want to go, because I wanted some alone time, but SO kind of copped an attitude when I told him I didn't know if I wanted to go with them (I should have just told him I didn't want to go). So I got dressed and went with them. While we're outside, SO tells me that he wanted to take SS9 outside because he didn't want SS9 to go home and tell BM that he didn't do anything but stay in all day.
