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sarabella2's Blog

Divorcing because of SD

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Hi everyone. Well, the sd won. I am a newlywed. Only 5 months. But, my sd has caused so much damage that I am now leaving. I feel so very alone and terrified. Hoping some of you will keep me company through this ordeal. This 14 year old kid is TOXIC. I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with her and grateful that I will no longer have to deal with the abuse. I will be bankrupt after moving my WONDERFUL daughters back to Wyoming. I have no job waiting for me...and we will be moving in with my mom. The best woman I know! My tears won't stop falling.

Here we go AGAIN

sarabella2's picture

Same story...different day. My step-daughter and her wrath have reached dangerous levels. A few weeks ago I decided to go to a counseling session with her. I met with the counselor first, the she did, then we both did. BASICALLY, the counselor told her that she had no right to blame me for everything that has ever gone wrong in her life. She even made my SD repeat what she said. I felt hopeful. Things went well for a week..THEN THERE IT WAS! So this time instead of saying nothing and dealing with a 14 year olds verbal abuse...I got vocal. It got ugly.


sarabella2's picture

WOW! The stress I am under is just about killing me. I have 3 step children and 2 daughters of my own. My oldest stepson and youngest stepson are FANTASTIC. The issue is my stepdaughter. She is 14. She is viscious. She lies. She makes up stories to get attention (positive or negative). She throws me under the bus anytime she gets the chance. Tells people I am mean to her. **sigh** The funny part to all of this is that I have done nothing but try to build this girl up. Included her in everything.