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Jenn330's Blog

BM is going to Criminal Court

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My husband told me 2 yrs ago (I think,sometimes I don't pay attention when he talks-hehe) that BM received stolen property from her brother and pawned the stuff. Apparently the cops were involved and they found out it was her. So all this time has passed and now it caught up to her. So DH (they were never married, I just don't know what to call him in regards to her) got a phone call yesterday saying she wasn't working bc her recent ex told their boss (they work at the same place) she was going to Criminal Court. So now she's suspended until it's over with.

I shit my pants with excitement!!!!

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So ya know how I was bitching about SD8 having headlice again and how my husband and I got into a fight bc I didn't want her here bc I didn't want her depositing those nasty things everywhere she goes?....well after we had that BLOW OUT fight where I was the BITCH for not wanting her here, that asshole calls me today to tell me he called BM and let her know we(him and I) have "plans" this weekend so we couldn't get his BD. WHAT THE HORSE SHIT!!!!

What is everyone Thankful for......?

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Is it horrible that I'm looking forward to SD8 not being with us for Thanksgiving? mmm what am I thankful SD won't be with us!!!!!!!! lol Hopefully I won't be bothered by her on Christmas either...its just such a pain in the ass driving all over the damn place to get her from her BM crack-headed family and driving all over to see my family and my husbands family!

What is everyone else Thankful for???

I must be the biggest bitch!!

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I must be the biggest bitch!! My SD(8) has lice for the second time in a 4mth period. She apparently asked her BM to check her head last Wed and her BM said," no, theres no way you can lice again", so after begging her BM several times, she finally checked and SUPRISE!!!! LICE!!! So last Wed I stayed home from work cleaning the entire house, washing her bed sheets, putting any brushes, hairtyes, etc away in a seal tight bag like a good little housewife does only to find myself itching a couple days later! Last night I had my DH check my head and SUPRISE again!!! LICE!!!

Going crazy

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So my high school sweet heart and I recently got married in N.C. Outer Banks, he has a daughter (8yrs) with his ex named Jen. I absolutley can not stand her. Anyway, we got back from our vacation/wedding August 22,2009 (Sat), the following Monday Joe (my husband) gets a phone call that she's taking him back for more child support because her and her fiance broke up and she can't afford to pay the bills by herself. So I quote her,"well now that your married you can afford to pay more child support" that moment, I wanted to reach through the phone and rip her throat out!