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TryingToParent's Blog

In Laws.....

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Tomorrow is my anniversary. DH and I have been married a year. Our wedding was not the 'traditional' type with cake and gifts and bad food....we were married on the beach in Antigua, just us. We decided that our entire lives were going to be about our children, and we wanted one week to be about us. SO...when we got married, everyone knew. We didn't keep it a secret, we told everyone, and explained that we wanted a private wedding. We didn't expect much at all in the way of gifts, but I would have thought a card, at least was in order.

To call or not to call......

TryingToParent's picture

Since we have blended families the sks have on occasion asked to call BM. I noticed that it would be after a long stretch away, particularly in down times. We have never restricted this, ever. We never wanted them to feel it's an "us against her" situation. We have pretty good communication with BM. So since the schedule change (see previous blog for details) we have noticed that the kids are asking to call more and we have been allowing it.

What to do when the kids hate coming to our house...(long, sorry)

TryingToParent's picture

A little background.....DH and I have been married a year (this week) together two. When we met we were both very unhappily married and it was one of those, it just happened, kind of things, we were friends first and it progressed into more, though we never cheated. While we know everything moved fast for the kids (separated from ex's in January, introduced as dating partners in March, engaged in April, bought a home in August, married in October) we have tried to provide stability to the kids with regular schedules and rules as much as possible.