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Elaine's Blog

WOW. So this is what it feels like!!!...

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I've done it. I can't believe I did it... But thank God I did!!

I have emotionally disconnected myself from SS. I care about him but only to a certain extent. I will talk to him and help him with things if he asks. But when he acts up or acts inconsiderate or disrespectful, I just shrug my shoulders and let FH deal with it... I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!

I literally just walk away or turn up my television and tune it out.

My tongue is bloody... from biting it so much.

Elaine's picture

Previously, after much heartache and confusion, I made the decision to disengage. It lasted about 2 weeks.

My concern for SS has prevented me from completely disengaging. I'm stuck between a rock & a hard place and at the moment, it all seems so hopeless.

I felt really great about making the decision to disengage & FH understood & took on more responsibility for SS. It was wonderful until....

Trick or Treating & my Feelings

Elaine's picture

When they first started putting halloween decorations in the store I asked FH "Is BM taking SS trick or treating or us?" He replied "Idk, I'll ask" So a week later when we started decorating our house for halloween I asked again "Are we taking SS trick or treating or BM?" Again I got "Idk, I'll ask" Two weeks later When I took SS shopping in the store & he saw a costume he wanted for halloween I asked FH again "Are we taking SS trick or treating?" and the reply was still the same "Idk, I'll ask" The week before halloween I ask again "Are we taking SS trick or treating or BM?" Guess what

I'm desperate, scared & feel so alone- Disengaging the answer?

Elaine's picture

I've been searching for advice on the internet for hours. And while alot of my questions are still unanswered, one thing is clear-- I can't go on like this.

Some facts about my life:

I am 22 yrs old and currently in grad school.

My FH is 24 and while he has not officially proposed yet, we are planning on getting married.

SS is 6 yrs old. My FH had him when he was a junior in high school.

Advice Please!!! Would I piss off BM if...

Elaine's picture

Would I be over stepping my boundaries if I sent SS to school with cookies to share with the class on his Bday? Although we usually get SS every other weekend, SS has been staying with us for the past wk & a 1/2 bc BM said his behavior at school was not good & she didn't know what else to do. SS birthday is this Thursday & last week I told SS I would make him some treats to share with his class on his bday. (I thought it would be fun, since I remember how much I enjoyed my mom sending me to class with cupcakes on my bday.