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jesses girl's Blog

File this one under "WTF???".

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So I was a lettle bored this morning, and decided to play a little on myspace. Just for s*its and giggles, I decided to look up SS8's name. Well - guess what??

He's on there alright - or should I say BM is. The user name is his, but it's her pic, her birthdate, ect...

What is up with that?? I've told DH about it, and he doesn't get it either.

I swear, this woman is unstable...

Do as I say - not as I do???

jesses girl's picture

DH picked up SS8 last night for an extended weekend, and SS mentioned that he and BM had gone to visit a "friend" (more like FWB) of BM's out of state. This is interesting, because according to the CO - BM and DH need to have written consent to take SS out of state.

In the past, BM has made DH literally jump through hoops to get her consent to take SS on our vacations, but this biotch thinks that she's above the law, and can just take SS where ever and when ever she pleases.