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JstaSM's Blog

Wow.. what you find out on the internet.

JstaSM's picture

I just found out today that BM was cheating on DH with many guys and one of the guys was SF (per the neighbor who lived across the street from them). she is adamant that she started seeing him she threw DH out. But she has the kids convinced that I “Stole their father”. Oh well… I don’t know why I care. I know DH cheated on her (not with me) and BM told skids and still does (but says I told them). She portrays herself as the innocent victim…

What has your BM done that makes you scratch your head?

JstaSM's picture

Some of the things BM did……

Told DH 1 yr after we were together that Blubba wanted another baby with DH,so that all her kids can have the same father. When DH told me, I laughed so hard. (She had her tubes tied after last skid).

Told DH 15 years after we were together that no matter what happens she will never forgive me (SM) for taking her life/family away from her (not true).

I could keep going… But then I would have to write a book.. Just like the one Blubba started online that my SD found (not her kid). I just can’t believe the rewriting of history!

Not to sound morbid….

JstaSM's picture

Not to sound morbid… Would you tell your ADULT alienated skids if DH passed away? Since DH is alienated from all his kids but one (different BM from the others), should I tell them? I would tell SS if something happened. He doesn’t talk to the others because of the way that they treat DH and I.