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Vanessa68's Blog

Still Dating

Vanessa68's picture

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer.
I am still dating the new guy with kids…things are going well, he doesn't talk about his ex, nearly as much as the other. It seems his kids are important to him, but not his life does not revolve around them. His mom helps him a lot. (Italian) lol

Like I said before we have a lot of friends in common and share a common interest. We have been out on a few dates, talk a lot. This Saturday is my birthday and he is taking me out.

Dark hair/eyes, tall…..DAm…lol

Date Night Responses

Vanessa68's picture

Oh Boy….Where do I start….

Yes, I do know this man, I have know him for 3 years, maybe reread my first post. No he is NOT dating anyone….As for as the psycho-analysing this date, ( I agree I do have the tendencies). I also did say that I think I need more time…to regroup, also in my first post…:) Wedding plans….I must have missed something there…:}

Date night

Vanessa68's picture

Hello Eveyrone,

Thank you again for the responses. My date went very well, You have to remember that I know this man, not really well, but we do share a common interest, so there is a sense of comfort. 3 years ago we dated (2) never slept together, I was still in nursing school and he was going through divorce.

A Guy with Kids Again

Vanessa68's picture

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all well…:)

I am going on a date tonight with a guy that I know, I have know him for over 3 years but we have not run into each other since. I saw his friend the other night at a friends place, we started talking, I added him on Facebook strictly as a friend, we went on one date over 3 years ago, it was a good date, just bad timing on both people.


Vanessa68's picture

OMG…. I want to message him, send him an email about "Why you shouldn't put your kids first"
I am to vomit, this is the first time I have wanted to message him…

Why not..? Just say hope you are well, thought this article was interesting…loll

He fell off the planet 3 weeks ago, i don't hate him….

Ohhh my head is spinning


Sleep Deprivation...

Vanessa68's picture

Good Morning….

I worked a 12 hr midnight shift last night, lets just say sleep deprivation will get your emotions rocking…:{
I ordered the book Step Monster and if got me through most of the night, a lot of wonderful information in there.

Sometimes it feels like years since I last saw him, we did spend quality time together, but also periods apart. I can't look at pictures yet, ahhh!!
I deleted all 600 phone messages, his contact information, and email.

I am afraid that if I am not constantly prepared, he is going to pop up out of no-where…lol

Explain Please

Vanessa68's picture

Hello Again,

I have been reading some of the other blogs, I can envision every one of your nightmares, mine seems so minuscule, I am very grateful for that.

My question is…. why do Step dad's seem to be accepted, It seems to me the woman are getting daily verbal beatings, even from the SO.

