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4ofus's Blog

One of the hardest parts

4ofus's picture

of this whole situation for me has been the legal system. I like to think things through logically, and make informed decisions. It seems that the legal system just doesn't care about logic, or truth for that matter! When my DH got divorced (seperated 3 yrs prior to filing, she had affairs and a subsequent child) he had many charges against BM, to include her taking them in bars and drinking with them. The judge threw it all out! DH also had records of everything, from incidents to all of the dates that he had the kids.

well, here I am...

4ofus's picture

I thought I would write a blog to introduce myself... I am the SM of 2 Skids.. SD9 and SS5. I had never imagined when I first walked into thier lives what this would be like. I have along the way learned valuable lessons, and patience, and many other things that help make me a better person, and hopefully a better mom. I have no biokids as of yet, but hopefully soon!
