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Bethy's Blog

A day in my life

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So, to add a bit of history to my life, I will explain what it's like to be me....being with Jess is not all rainbows and butterflies..she has an eating disorder, has for the past 18 years. She is in therapy for it now, been in about 2 months now, but it's going to take a long time to officially be in recovery. She is bulimic, has her good days and bad days, recently, had 3 good days in a row, no binge/purging or restricting, and everything was good, then she started to panic, and had a bad night....seeing her go through all this is stressful to say the least, but she is worth it.

My story

Bethy's picture

I went from being married to a man, with no children, to overnight, being separated from that man, and living with a woman with 4 kids, 12,000 miles away from that does that happen you ask? I came out to my mother as a lesbian (well, bi, because I thought that would break it to her easier) when I was 15. She was less than thrilled to say the least, started crying and carted me off to a pastor to "pray away the gay".