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Step-monster89's Blog

WTF... right!!!!!!!

Step-monster89's picture

I am beyond glad that this little B we all know as Bacon is not a spawn of mine! I think that i may actually die if any of my bio children acted like this. It has gotten to the point that I truly want to leave, with a note on the counter that say " Thank your little B child for our children having a broken home " ( not really) How can someone sit by and let their child act like she does and be okay with it? Screaming at an adult, sitting on her fat ass all day long, screaming at other children in the house. I have disengaged.

Lucky is on my side!!~

Step-monster89's picture

So bacon got some news today. Her friend that DH was going to allow to stay over the week of spring break can not come down. It is for the best and hurts my feelings none!!! The little brat deserves to have no friends over ever let a lone a full week. but yay!!! Also the disengaging is going well! She saw me giggle a little when Dh got her that if she didnt do the dishes she would not only have no electronics but no friends till the end of school. Granted that was a blind threat and he would have caved in like 2 days... but she wasnt 100% sure of that!

no friends for you :)

Step-monster89's picture

SD10 wants an out of state friend to stay all week next week for spring break. DH asked for my opinion on the matter. I of coarse said thats on you! not my circus not my monkey!! He told SD that if she kept her attitude up and her appearance not and clean (huge issue) than she can come. no later than 20 min after he told her to have a good attitude she is yelling and throwing a huge fit over having to shower. He ended up asking her to change her attitude 6-8 times.

Update on the monster sd10

Step-monster89's picture

If i hear, you are not my mother, one more time i feel that i may scream right back, Thank god for that!!
It starts with:ME: sd, did you change your underwear today?
SD: *eye roll* Bid sigh* omg! no
ME:you need to thats gross and your "stuff" will get sick
ME:did you change your socks too?
SD: stop it, this is getting ridiculous
ME: then change your clothes and take care of your self you are 10 yrs old

Hate or just really dislike??!!

Step-monster89's picture

My DH and I have been together for about 6.5 years now. My SD was 3 when we got together and is now 9. She wasn't ever hateful or a liar until we got custody of her in '09. I need some major help. She will yell and scram at the top of her lungs at me and my DH does nothing about it. I am getting ready to go into the USAF and frankly, I believe in the back of my mind i am partly doing it to get away from her. She will fall and say i pushed her, scratch her self and say i did it. and then she will go and bitch to her piece of crap BM.