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aprtchrd's Blog

Attention seeking 11 year old.

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I'm feeling really irritable today after the weekend with my partner's children here. They were with their mum the weekend before and it was bliss, we were getting on really well and i was feeling really happy. Today i feel angry and frustrated.
I'm starting to feel like i really don't like his eldest daughter. I'm trying to think it's not her fault, but it seems everything she does really annoys me now. It's the same things over and over again and im so bored of it all.

bloody pissed off!!

aprtchrd's picture

Well i've come for a rant, because a few people have told me feel free to do so!!! and i bloody need too!
I've had a lot to think about after writing my first blog, and now i'm starting to see im not actually the problem!
All the problems ive had this week are because of my partner neglecting to do so.....

I would really appreciate some advice.

aprtchrd's picture

I have been with my fiance for about 4.5 years now. I've always liked kids and seem to get on well with them, however i never envisaged the problems that are occurring with having step kids. He has two daughters and I feel like i haven't got anywhere with them during the time i have been with my partner. I try to keep a positive attitude and come up with new solutions to tackle trying to get the girls to help out/behave etc. However, i feel like even after an hour or so i start to feel frustrated and get irritable with them.