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Worndown's Blog

I thought things were better!

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She's been gone for 7 wks. I've been in "Cloud 9"! I HAVE prayed! The past few weeks have been (I thought) amazing! There has only been 1 big fight, and it was because he got me confused in a 10 yr old memory about taking his daughter to a baseball game with his cousin!see baby's dad. Really?!?!? Now he says be misses her, and she's coming fora week! He also says he hasn't noticed that we haven't been fighting! He says that he has thought that, "Damn! She's gone back to her mom's and things aren't better!." He can't see that I've almost completely cut my drinking in half.

SD15 Actually Admitted That She Deliberately Disobeyed Me

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SD 15 actually admitted that she disobeyed me only after my husband and I fought over her reaction to me telling him. I wanted him to see my hell. He came up with every excuse including that I was f-ing embellishing. When he decided that we should ask her about it, his tone of voice was "You're lying and I'm going to make you eat crow!" Her cocky ass owned up to it. Then of course came the why and the I don't know circle. He said she's moving out this Thursday. The fight was Saturday. By Sunday he was waivering so I called him on it.

SD15 Sent Multiple Hustler Style Pics of Herself to Dif Boys

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My familly shares an Icloud. 5 weeks ago I found several NUDE and CLOSEUP pics of my SD 15 on the cloud. I told my HB and we confronted her. Most of her answers were lies and "I don't know". She was supposed to move back to her BM, but my HB got soft. She only lives with us because we thought her BM was doing a terrible job and that we could help her. Turns out there is no help for her, but my HB doesn't want to "give up on her". We fight all the time now. We have 2 great kids 3 and 8. They are well behaved because they have consequences!