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WWSMD's Blog

O.T oh my goodness so embarrassing

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My poor DH got off work early expecting some loving. I had a friend over rummaging through my closet for an outfit to borrow for an interview. DH burst into the room swinging his shirt around singing Mariah Carey's " touch my body ".

DH saved face saying he was just playing around. We all laughed it off. Aww my honey lol.

Close the door when you use the bathroom

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I'm sick and tired of being greeted with the image of someone sitting on the toilet. DH and the stepkids do it. I pitch a fit about it but they keep doing it. They will only close the door if company is over. Its disgusting and its really getting on my nerves. DH thinks its not a big deal as long as the door is cracked. Im living with a bunch of cavemen.

neighborhood kids beating on mentally challenged

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I have a mentally disabled neighbor. He is in his 20's. One of the sweetes gys ever. When i was picking up the steps from the bus stop i saw a group of neighborhood kids ganging up on him. On of my stepkids was involved in name calling. A few of the kids where pushing him around making threats. I dont know whay the heck possessed them to do that. His parents came out threating to call the police. I pulled my ss back after all the kids ran and forced him to apologize. I even apologid and started to cry. This sweet man who had j u st minutes before was getting attacked hugged me.

I can't get the kids because I'm constipated......... Really BM

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I just can't. BM promised the kids she'd take them to a water park today but bailed. She sent DH this text message.

BM.I can't get the kids today I'm constipated and I don't feel good

DH. wow really

BM. yeah sorry tell them I love them and will see them this weekend if I feel

DH. If you feel better. Whats wrong with you are you really sick or just full of crap.

BM. Yeah im f*cking sick ok I'm constipated ok and I don't feel like talking.
tell them I love them. bye

saying " Get out of my face" is like cursing in this house

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The stepkids keep asking to go to the pool. I keep saying wait until the weekend DH and I have to work. SD9 does not get the memo and keeps saying please please pleaaaaaase. The twins then want to chime in. I say the next person who ask me wont be going at all. The leave and come back two minutes later with the pleeaase please please. I said all right everybody get out of my face! DH gets pissed at me saying I hurt their feelings and I should learn to talk to them. Really? I guess I'm enemy number one in the house now.

BM causing a scene

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No clas BM turning something small into a three ring circus. BM's sister was suppose to drop the kids off at a mutual friend's daughter's birthday party. BM's car broke down so she text us to let u know her sister will drop them off an half an hour late. OK that should have been that right? NO she decided she wanted to come to the party to because its her friend too and her kids. So in her mind she can intrude on DH's parenting time because she is entitled to " of course". We could have just gritted our teeth and avoided her but she just has to come sit at our table.

Does anyone speak BM( big mouth) language? care to translate

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" Man I got Swamp butt".

"I'm broke can I bower 50 bucks to take the kids to chuckie cheese for their cousins birthday"

" I dyed my hair with kool aid befor its fine just let SD9 do it or I'll just let her do it at my house with real dye your choice"

" Why you getting all bent up over stupid s#*t"?

" Ima let her get that other hole in the top of her ear pierced don't b*&ch about it please"

Tired of the back sass

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Everytime I ask my stepchildren to do something its met with back sass. " I am, okaaaay, I know , I want my dad, your not my mom". I'm sick and tired of the sass and the attitudes. We had a meeting about it anand DH has been backing me up but they continue to disrespect me. They will only listen if DH says it.

Sprained my ankle trying to strip tease

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If your having a bad morning feel free to laugh at me. I was feeling a little insecure and wanted to prove to DH and myself that I was sexy. I put on Beyoncé's "naughty girl" and stripped down to my undies and 6 inch heels. I went to do the drop down and twist your body back up and I tripped and fell over the clothes hamper. If it could have been caught on video you would laugh yourself to pieces. So there you go. The next time I try that I will wear the smallest heels I can find or go bare foot. DH said I looked sexy before I fell so I think that's good.
