Merry's Blog
Long overdue
Apologies are hard.
DH apologized to me for all the years we went to Skidville for the holidays. We fought about it every year. I wouldn't have minded as much if they came to our house once in awhile. Last year was likely the last trip and even then I didn't have to see either skid.
I still carry anger about it. I should have refused when he could still travel by himself. But I accepted his apology and didn't dredge up the residual hurt. And I appreciate his acknowledging that he never once spent Christmas with my family, never saw my traditions.
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Gifts from steps
There have been some funny mentions of gifts from a step kid lately. What about you? What funny, pathetic, passive-aggressive things have your skids gotten you?
SS one year got me a potholder. Pretty sure that was a year he bragged about a 6-figure salary. At least it appeared new. But most years nothing, which is fine. I can match that energy
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‘’Tis the Season
Well, well. SD called DH on TDay. But he somehow missed the call. I dunno, I haven seen the log and don't intend to.
So they've been texting back and forth. He is giddy. They are going to arrange a Zoom call. DH isn't good with his phone so might need my help to connect. Gosh, I sure hope I don't have a mani appointment at the same time.
Happy gift grab season, everyone!
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AITAH—$ for SS
DH and I live comfortably. We're not wealthy but I don't worry about paying bills. Occasionally we take a nice trip. We're both retired, he has a decent retirement income and no savings. I have more retirement income and I've saved all my life. I don't consider my savings as joint money, but sometimes I tap into it for things we want or need. Travel, new roof, etc.
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Deep down, they know.
I believe that my DH knows his kids are jerks, deep down. He lives in a fantasy world sometimes but now and then the truth slips out.
I showed DH a photo of a mini donkey on one of our neighborhood pages. So stinkin' cute. Owner was looking to rehome it.
DH says, "I don't need a donkey. I have a daughter." Took me a minute and then I couldn't help but laugh.
How has your DH/DW acknowledged that their kids are difficult without saying they are difficult?
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SD is not FIRST
Well DH sure got an earful from SD. Her decision to have nothing to do with him is because he NEVER put her first and he doesn't put her first NOW. This is a grown woman with a husband and children, but apparently Daddy needs to fall at her feet.
And he's not allowed to be in touch with her children because she doesn't want them to feel the way she has felt her WHOLE LIFE. I'm
She's delusional, and narcissism comes to mind.
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My spidey sense is activated.
Uh oh. DH is showing signs of Father of the Year regression. Two red flags just today.
We ran into a friend at lunch, who was upset about a rift with his adult son. So DH starts giving him "advice." I did not snort my drink out my nose, but it was close there.
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O/T dog storm phobia
My sweet Pittie mix has a terrible time with storms. Very little response to Prozac or Xanax and I think one other thing the vet tried. Thundershirt and hemp chewies also not effective.
She pants, drools, shakes, climbs on me, runs out into the storm if she gets half a chance. She really suffers, and so do I.
And my grumpy old lady border collie mix is super protective of me and doesn't share well.
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DH makes a funny
My pocket manager (my phone) has stopped talking to me. I set an alarm reminder for something today and I did not receive the expected confirmation from Siri.
I commented to DH that Siri must be tired or upset with me. DH says, "Or she's gotten instructions from SD."
Laughter all around.
SS called yesterday, finally. I didn't stick around to hear the whole convo, but what I did hear was all about SS, his latest car repair, and the great job he's sure he's on the verge of getting. I could write the script.
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My (non) conversation with DH: A demonstration of disengagement
A bit of background:
DH's sister, in her mid-70s, has some health issues that requires her to live in an assisted living facility. A year or so ago, she made some legal-type changes, including setting up a trust for her own care. She appointed SD and SD's cousin as co-trustees.
It was a terrible idea. SD and Cousin do NOT get along. I don't know the details about their falling out, but I do know SD is a control freak and displays extreme jealousy whenever she feels like someone else is getting more attention. She is competitive in this way with even her own brother.