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Spartan_Steve's Blog

Something new to be proud of

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My wife and I met with the twins father and new stepmother for lunch yesterday. As I said before, I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him, but he's nothing compared to his wife. This woman, and I use that term lightly, comes into our home and starts demanding things. She wants them to have 50/50 custody, she wants them to be able to take the twins to Wisconsin when they go on vacation to visit his parents next month. She actually went as far to say that eventually were gonna have to change the school that the boys are in so it closer to the middle of where we live.

First post

Spartan_Steve's picture

Wow, this is a bit overwhelming. I've kinda been snooping on the site for a few days now, and I figured yesterday was as good a day as any to finally create an account. It looks like I'm gonna have to learn a brand new lingo system if I'm gonna post in here on a regular basis. Does Rosetta Stone have a program that coves this site lol. Anyhow, I'm a 25 year old step father to 5 year old twins. I've been the only steady positive male role model in their life since they were born. Their real father walked out when they were a few weeks old.