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thatchic2324's Blog

Just go away already...

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Sybil, the DH's ex, keeps threatening to take the kids to Florida. And although I would hate to see my hubs be sad, our life would be so much simpler. When we don't have my skids for a week or two our lives are harmonious. We have schedule and routine, we have fun, we do things. There's little to no whining. Our kids are up for new things. It's parental bliss. But every single time they're here it's nothing but whining and complaining and bitching and moaning. This is boring/stupid/gay/retarded... ugh. Their voices make me cringe. BM keeps threatening to move to Florida.

from stepmonster to caregiver?

thatchic2324's picture

So when I met my husband 6 years ago, right off the bat, I offered to help watch his 2 kids (then 4 &8) along with my son who was also 4 during the summer so that his ex and him could work without paying childcare. That summer began fine and ended in psycho, let's just call her Sybil. When I met my Hub we had different parenting styles, meaning I had one and he didn't. He, and his now ex, let the kids run the show. They had a "give 'em what they want so they shut up quickly" kind of attitude. I, on the other hand am quite old fashioned.