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Evilstepmom3211's Blog


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So pissed right now I'm going to be sick. It does not mater that last week SS12 lied and told his mother that I hit him.He has yet to tell the truth or apologize for the lie. And I'm still forced to cook and clean up after DH's offspring every other weekend as if nothing has happened. I don't even hit my own child. but I'm getting ahead of my self, It would help if I start over. Last Friday as I was on my way home, enjoying the drive and reflecting on what had been a really good work week and what promised to be an equally good weekend. I get a call from DH.

It's his world and we are all just living in it.

Evilstepmom3211's picture

You know as a kid I had a horrible step father, that called us names hit us with with a 2x4 and a lot more that im not willing to get into. So when I became a step mother. I promised myself that I would try very hard to love respect and to treat his kid's just as I was never treated in my own child hood. and to never see the fact that they where not truly mine. But try as I might they make it hard, his youngest one in particulate.