no validation's Blog
update and need advice please!!!
So the SK's have departed from us and still SD did not speak to me unless she wanted something from me. Anyway, last night we went to pick up SD from her bball game (which she is not playing in due to injury) and got there at the beginning of the 4th quarter. I went with DH to get her ONLY because we needed to stop at the pet store very badly and I knew DH wouldn't do it on his own. So when the game was over, DH and I wallked over to SD and she gave him a big hug and once again did not even acknowledge my exsistance, of which of course DH said nothing to correct the disrespectful behavior.
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Still on my visitation extended weekend.......
So let's catch up from my proud moment on Friday.....
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I am sooooooooo Proud of myself
So this is our everyother visitation weekend that will extend to Tuesday. After last night working so well by not asking about SS I decided to take the same road today knowing that the SK's will be coming tonight. ANyway, I messaged my DH to tell him I loved him..awwwwww nice I know right?:) anyway this is how the convo went.....
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Let The Music Feed Your Soul
There is so much feeling in music. It can feed your soul if you let it. You hear a song and it takes you back to a time, usually associated with the feelings you were experiencing at that time. Sometimes music can stir in you the feelings you WANT to experience. Let me explain what I mean. There was a time in my life that I wanted to put together certain parts of certain movies to explain how I wanted to feel with that someone special. Think back to the first time you saw the movie Set It Off.
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So today is our everyother Thursday.....
It is the day we are to get SS so BM and SD can go get their hair done. We have religious committments we go to tonight and BM is to pick up SS from where we are on her way home. Here comes the anxiety. I asked DH what was the deal with tonight, as I usually pick up SS from school and bring him home, fed him, and get him dressed before we go. On a side note, I have asked that SS be dressed in decent clothes because of where we go on Thursday nights. Last time she sent him in her football team t-shirt and holy (no pun intended) jeans.
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