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cookiez24's Blog

Is it unreasonable to ask a 12 year old to do chores???

cookiez24's picture

Last night was the third night of coming home to a barn full of chores! I am used to doing them as DH and SD12 are busy with sports, but this week DH is on holidays and SD is with us all week. So I really expected at least SOME chores would be done!!! Basic chores involve putting minis in and out, checking water bowls, checking chickens & collecting eggs, mucking the minis stall and feeding grain to two horses! Not that much!
Plus my own horse has a swollen leg, so I have extra work each night caring for him!

Pee on the seat!! Ew!

cookiez24's picture

Fellow stepmoms you are going to LOVE this!!!

So SD10 can't use the toilet properly. She always leaves a drip or two on the seat! So gross. I have brought this up to DH numerous times and he actually had the balls to tell me that I occasionally do this too!! Ya right..... I just happen to do it on the days/weeks that she is in the house!!
So I stopped cleaning it up. We have two bathrooms and I will actually run upstairs to use the other bathroom to avoid cleaning the mess. I leave it for DH!! LOL

Will it ever be enough????

cookiez24's picture

I am so upset right now. I completely forgot about this site, but am in desperate need of venting!!

It is not enough that I sold MY HOUSE, moved an hour away from work, family, friends.... basically my whole life so we could be closer to SD!! We now get her every other week!! Shouldn't that be enough???