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babyallen's Blog

Skids back home

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I'm so happy they are back and annoyed that the adults over there didn't give one of their med. kids are both on seasonal allergy med because it was bought over the counter I think they don't think they need it. It's a maintness med! Sd told me I'm not sick so I don't need meds, very aggravating. Ss was very upset bm told him one day he would live @ gm and gp's for ever, he had already said he didn't like being gone that long. I told him the judge said he lives with his dad, he then asked if the judge could tell bm please cuz she doesnt know.

Here we go

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BM asked if we would change the court order time for her to call, she has had the chance to call for a week and has yet to do so. We said it was a court order and no we wouldn't it was the best time for us. She then says it me texting cuz Fdh never gave a time in court, I had the kids so I wasn't there. He then says he told the judge before bedtime was best, yes he came up with the time. Again it's me texting, she remembers the court proceeding accurately, she has been calling about the holiday schulde cuz she can't remembe what was granted.

Funny BM momet

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Shes been texting fdh all day which is annoying, called me by my full name which we asked her not to do. Then hours later after we got her to understand she text the children need to call her an appropriate title, they chose to call her by name when they were in states care we have the paperwork to prove it. Their therapist says what they are comfortable with is how it needs to be. They determand I was mommy on visit 3 I was told to let them because it is their comfort level I need to worry about. She is now rant she went threw the pregnancy she gets the title.

Vent: annoyed

babyallen's picture

My FDH has been responding to bm's text for 2 days, she needs us to send clothes again, she is wanting me to put ribbon in all the clothes so they know it is ours, I know I'm being unreasonable but either they have clothes or they don't and they can send dirty clothes back, because they are smokers I have to wash it anyway. It's very aggravating because I know how to do things she expects me to do so! Also it's BM Mother's visit so why is it she cannot speak to him? It's just very frustrating.

Lost @ the moment

babyallen's picture

:jawdrop: Well my almost husband is FINALLY divorced. It only took 4 years, she refused to sign the papers and so he went for full custody since they have been in our home since he got them out of states care, she lost them for some stupid things she was doing. She has to be supervised by her mother with the twins. I'm having a problem with the situation, the kids are part of a 5 pack tribe @ my house.