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nononsense's Blog


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My SO and I really dont argue or fight over anything but his six year old daughter whom I feel is the devil. We rarely have a problem with my eleven yr old boy.SO is a good man. Loves his child very much. Takes very good care of her. But this child is manipulating,and me and my boy get the glory of watching her in action. I have cleaned her room many times. Im a clean freak, and I understand that others are not,,,ok with me. She is capable of desroying a house. Her room is pretty much a garbage dump. She will not put anything away.

What a F#*@$ing Jerk He was last night!!!

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I just wanted to scream I was sooooooooooo pissed off. I was gona blog but I was again toooooo pissed off. Went to bed early and cryed myself asleep which I have not done in a long time. Midnight He gets into bed and wants to snuggle his arms around me like how we always sleep, I kick him. He rolls over. 4am he trys snuggling again, this time he got punched. 5am I still so pissed off at him and now can not sleep any longer so I get out of bed. We argured over his bitchy,evil,manipulateing,selfish,DIRTY,disturbing,Drama Queen daughter.I just want to get the F#@& out of here somtimes.

Hoping SD6 wont be around this weekend

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This probably sounds bad. Im really hoping that my BF's daughter wont come over this weekend. Chances are she will be here, but one can wish, right? Just dont feel like dealing with her annoying drama. Hanging all over her dad. Crying if she dont get her way. Crying if her Dad gives me and my son any attention. Bossing everyone around. I just dont have the patients this weekend. PMS and this kid just dont gel.