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SS10's birthday this weekend

1day@atime's picture

OH JOY! Once again, I orchestrated his entire birthday party. Had to remind him to give his invitations to his friends. Spent a couple hours with my 3 year old shopping for the gifts on his wish list. Meanwhile, my blood is boiling because it feels phony as hell to do anything nice for this self-centered kid. I know kids are naturally self-centered to an extent, but he takes the cake.

So, to make matters worse he pulls a double whammy. He screwes up everyday in some way. But right after i spend my entire day devoted to making his birthday incredible, he makes it even harder for me to swallow. Here's one of his rules, posted in his room and told to him numerously: come home when we tell you to. He pretty much comes home from school, He gets to play wherever and has to check in when we tell him. He either has to then eat dinner and go back out and play, or we send him back out with a new time to check in. We let him do homework last so he can use up the daylight to play with friends. He has a watch. Well yesterday he was a half/hour late. And I had dinner waiting. I am 8 months pregnant, and did my best to walk around the neighborhood yelling for him. He eventually shows up. His only punishment was he wasn't to go back out and play (it was already 730 and a school night). I told him to wear his watch, do whatever he needed to, but next time he was late there would be bigger consequences.

So, today, he shows up AN HOUR late. He is not humble at all. As a matter of fact, he tells me he got "caught up playing" with his friends. Of course, this is his birthday weekend so what the hell are we supposed to do. I suggest when the weekend is over, he gets punished. My husband agrees. Then, he breaks another rule 30 minutes later. He's at a friends house and calls us to ask if his friend and some kid we don't know can sleep over. Another rule we have gone over many times is you don't ask in front of your friends if they can sleep over. It doesn't have to make sense to him or them, but nontheless is the rule. Not only did he break this rule, but he gave us a complete attitude. I'm so tired of the disrespect. He's a chamelion. He will kiss ass one minute, give an attitude the next. He's a complete follower of his friends. He's a terrible friend because he backstabs and is a gossiper. Whatever he can do to be popular in the moment. Whatever he can do to get what he wants. No loyalty to family whatsoever. It makes me NAUSEOUS to think about his birthday. Everytime it is one of our birthdays he is either disinterested or he complains about what we are doing. And when he is acting pleasant, it is just that, ACTING. There's usually someone else around to impress or he's trying to get himself out of trouble.

Here comes the migraine UGGH!

I wish I had the right to be selfish and rude like him. And sit this birthday out.


ucandoit's picture

Gosh how mad you must be after doing all that for him. Here is my opinion for what its worth.. I would ground him to the house where he could not go out and roam for a couple of days to a week depending on what you think is fair then when you unground him I would tell him for EVERY minute he's late the next time will equal how many DAYS he will be grounded in the house. Being in the house when you are an active boy can the WORST punishment ever I have 4 boys so I know how important that is to them! And while it will drive you crazy to have him around begging to go out with his friends I would put your foot down and tell him that you will show him the respect of allowing him to be out with his friends when he starts to show you the respect you deserve.

Another option is what my military hubs does when they lip off or are disrespectful he makes the boys exercise, nothing to excessive or crazy but enough to wear their butts out so they don't want to do it again like push ups sit-ups, running etc needless to say our boys are in great shape since boys just seem to trouble magnets when they are young...HA!!! It really does help once we started doing that it got a lot better plus it helps to keep them in shape which is better then regular grounding which after awhile just is not to effective on them.

Hope this helps Smile