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bronxmom's Blog

When do you finally quit....

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I have dated so for almost five years. We ended in October, he contacted me and I caved and went back. Started to have the same old feelings in my gut that things will never change with him and his skids. Son still partying only now on weekends since he finally got a job after being out of school for a year and a half. Daughter still the same manipulative brat she was the day I met her when she was sixteen and he is still taking her crap. Ended it again.

Desperate times

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I have been dating my bf for almost five years, I refuse to live with him because of skids. Most particularly sd (21 years old) who I can't stand at all. I have a relationship with ss (23 years old), but I don't make any effort to talk with SD at all. She is rude, manipulative and immature as the day is long. Of course bf does not see this and always has a comment about how I don't "extend" myself to SD. I broke off the relationship in October and he contacted me and I ended up going back into and now I feel like I am right back where i was.

need advice on my relationship with BF and his unmotivated kids

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HI I am new to this site. Have been reading blogs over the last few days and decided to join to ask for some advice. I am a divorced mom of two children 21 and 25 both of whom are in school, one college and other in medical school. I have been on my own for the last twelve years, raised my children with the help of my mom and working two jobs to this day to keep kids in school, etc. I started dating my bf (boyfriend) almost 4 and a half years ago. He has two children of his own.