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evilstepmonster's Blog

Do any of us really think BM is going to change?

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I have been reading a lot of the blogs on this site and I'm just curious does anyone out there really believe that their BM is going to grow up and change her ways? I have dealt with more SH** in the past seven years from my BM that I feel like I'm 95 years old and ready to die. When in fact I'm only 30 years old. It actually ages me mentally going the rounds with my BM. I would love to have some sort of hope that she'll eventually pull her HUGE head out of her ass, but honestly I don't think at this point she's going to have some revalation about what a sh**y person she is.


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My husbands ex-wife is trying to hurt my son in an effort to hurt my husband. She has recently called DFS and reported that he is some kind of sexual predator. They even investigated my son at his school and embrassed him beyond belief. He was of course found to be not guilty of any of the crap charges she claimed, but how bitter can one get. Attacking an innocent child because you have a long held grudge with an ex-husband. It's just wrong and disgusting. How can I protect my kids and still have a relationship with his?